FAQ: Frequently asked questions about bees
You have bees in your garden, house or apartment? Call us - we will come to you and solve the problem!
Frequently asked questions about bees & relocating bees
Here you ll find answers at a glance to some of the most important questions that our customers ask us time and again. If you need advice, please give us a call or arrange a personal appointment for professional bee relocation.
Some ground cover plants that are good for bees include thyme, bluebells, knapweed, creeping wildflowers, periwinkle, creeping sage, meadowfoam, and fatweed.
Plants that do not attract bees include fuchsias, calla lilies and witch hazel.
A good ground cover for bees is, for example, thyme.
In August, various plants such as sunflowers, lavender and ivy bloom for bees.
One of the special things about bees is their role as pollinators of plants, which is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and food production.
Balcony plants that are good for both bees and bumblebees include bluebells, zinnias and nasturtiums.
Plants that can be harmful to bees include those that have been treated with pesticides or do not provide food.
Foulbrood in bees can be recognized by various signs, including discolored or misshapen brood cells, an unpleasant odor from the hive, and a general weakening of the colony.
Good plants for bees include lavender, clover and sunflowers.
Plants that are good for bees include a variety of flowers, herbs, and shrubs that produce abundant nectar and pollen.
Good perennials for bees include catnip, bluebells and sage.
Shrubs that are good for bees include wild roses, hawthorn and privet.
Perennials that are good for bees include lavender, coneflower and sedum.
Trees that are good for bees include linden, acacia and chestnut.
A tree that is good for bees is, for example, the linden tree.
In September, various plants such as autumn asters, ivy and sedum bloom for bees.
In autumn, various plants such as autumn asters, ivy and sedum bloom for bees.
Bees typically stay in the hive or hive over the winter and only leave in the spring when temperatures rise.
Plants that are good for bees in autumn include autumn asters, sedum and goldenrod.
Roses that are good for bees include wild roses, climbing roses and shrub roses.
Bees usually start building in spring when the temperature rises and sufficient nectar and pollen are available.
Bees can be revived by creating flower-rich habitats, avoiding pesticides, and supporting beekeepers and colonies.
The population of bees can vary from year to year depending on various factors such as weather conditions, food availability and disease.
Bees are found in many regions of the world, but especially in areas with a variety of flowering plants and suitable habitats.
The male bees, also called drones, usually die in the fall or winter because they are not needed for reproduction and have fewer resources for survival.
In April, various plants such as cherry trees, willows and dandelions bloom for bees.
Depending on the climate and region, various early bloomers such as snowdrops, crocuses and winter aconites bloom for bees in February.
Plants that are good for bees in spring include crocuses, snowdrops and coltsfoot.
Bees prefer plants with plenty of nectar and pollen, such as lavender, sunflowers and clover.
In March, various spring flowers bloom for bees, such as crocuses, daffodils and primroses.
Yes, bees can overwinter in a nuc box if they have enough food supplies and the box is well insulated to protect them from the cold temperatures.
Bee predation occurs when bees steal food from another hive by attacking the hive and stealing the honey.
Yes, bees have a brain and nervous system that are important for their sensory perception, navigation and behavioral regulation.
Hornets can be a threat to bees because they can hunt and prey on them, especially if the hornet's nest is close to the hive.
Bees generally stop flying when it gets dark, usually in the evening.
Some smells like lemongrass, clove oil, or vinegar can scare away bees.
The amount of food bees need depends on factors such as the size of the colony, the weather and the availability of food.
The drones usually die after mating with a queen or with the onset of winter, as they are generally not needed for reproduction.
It is not recommended to spray anything against bees as they are important pollinators and many pesticides can harm them.
Garden plants that are good for bees include lavender, sunflowers, cornflowers and thyme.
No, it is not possible to send bees by post as live animals are generally not allowed to be sent by post.
If there are bees in the roof, it is advisable to contact a beekeeper or pest controller to safely remove them.
Balcony flowers that are suitable for bees include lavender, fuchsias, nasturtiums and bluebells.
Bees collect nectar and pollen within a few kilometers of their hive, depending on the availability of food.
Bees may swarm one to several times a year depending on conditions and location, usually to find new nesting sites or to form a swarm.
Bees build hexagonal cells because this shape allows for the most efficient use of available space and resources, which is important for building the hive.
The Varroa mite is dangerous for bees because it lives as a parasite in beehives and can weaken the bees by feeding on their body fluids.
Bees can be restored by providing sufficient food, protection from pesticides and diseases, and supporting beekeepers and colonies.
Smoke on bees causes them to behave calmly and become less aggressive, making it easier for the beekeeper to open and work on the hive.
In addition to honey bees, the bee family (Apidae) also includes other species such as bumblebees and mason bees.
In July, various plants such as lavender, sunflowers and phacelia bloom for bees.
The duration of feeding bees depends on various factors such as the availability of natural food sources and the needs of the bee colony, but can occur throughout the year, especially in times of scarce food resources such as winter.
Bees are also known as honey bees.
There are different types of bees, including honey bees, wild bees, bumblebees, mason bees and many others.
Products such as honey, wax, royal jelly and bee venom come from bees.
Bees with long legs are often referred to as long-legged bees.
In Animal Crossing: Wild World (ACWW), it is possible to catch bees by shaking them when they fall from a tree.
In Raft, bees can be found in hives, found in beehives on some islands.
Bees are usually active in the evening until dusk, after which they return to the hive.
There are various reasons for the decline in the bee population, including habitat loss, pesticide use, disease and parasites such as the Varroa mite.
Different bees live in a bee colony, including the queen, workers and drones.
Syrup for bees can be made by mixing sugar and water in a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio, depending on your need and purpose.
First and foremost, you shouldn't do anything against bees, as they are important pollinators and are under protection. If bees are a problem, you can try reducing access to food sources or contact a beekeeper for help.
The time it takes to develop an offshoot hive can vary, but is usually several weeks to a few months, depending on factors such as the strength of the bee colony and the availability of food.
The exact number of bees in Vienna can vary depending on the year and conditions, but there are many bee colonies and an estimated thousands of bees in the city.
Three facts about bees are: They communicate through dancing, produce honey for food, and are vital for the pollination of many plants.
Bee venom can cause allergic reactions in humans, ranging from mild swelling and redness to severe symptoms of anaphylaxis.
You can usually start beekeeping and beekeeping at any time, as soon as you have the necessary knowledge and equipment.
The decline in the bee population is caused by various factors such as loss of habitat, use of pesticides, diseases and parasites such as the Varroa mite.
Bees prefer flowers with abundant nectar and pollen, such as lavender, sunflowers, clovers and bluebells.
There are many breeds of bees including the Carnica bee, Buckfast bee, Dark European bee and Italian bee, to name a few.
Pollination of flowers by bees occurs when they fly from flower to flower, picking up pollen from the stamens and transferring it to the stigmas of other flowers.
For example, you can put fly screens or similar barriers against bees on the window to prevent them from getting into the house.
Yes, bees can be fed powdered sugar, especially when natural food sources are scarce, but this should be done carefully and in quantity.
In spring, bees like flowers such as crocuses, snowdrops, cornflowers and primroses.
Bees orient themselves in the hive using their sense of smell, visual perception and communication with other bees through dance and scents.
To get started with bees, you should first learn about beekeeping, purchase appropriate equipment, and possibly join a beekeeping club before purchasing or building colonies.
Depending on the size and type of hive, several thousand bees can live in a honeycomb alley.
Various species of solitary bees, such as mason bees or leafcutter bees, often move into insect hotels.
Bees often do not go to forsythia because these plants may not be attractive enough to them or because other preferred food sources are available at the time.
Different types of solitary bees such as mason bees, wild bees and also some species of hoverflies can move into insect hotels.
Bees typically accept food until the onset of winter or when temperatures become too low.
Bees usually accept food until the beginning of winter or when temperatures become too low.
Balcony plants that are good for bees include lavender, thyme, sunflowers and bluebells.
Crops such as fruit trees (e.g. apple, pear and cherry trees), vegetable plants (e.g. pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes) and various types of grain are pollinated by bees.
Some shrubs that are good for bees include privet, hawthorn and dog roses.
You can give bees water by placing shallow containers of water in the garden or on the balcony and placing stones in them, for example, that the bees can land on without drowning.
Bees like flowers with plenty of nectar and pollen, such as lavender, sunflowers, cornflowers and bluebells.
There are over 20,000 different species of bees worldwide, including the well-known honey bees, bumblebees and many different species of wild bees.
Small bees can be different types of wild bees, such as mason bees, hoverflies or certain types of narrow bees.
The speed at which bees expand central walls depends on several factors, including colony strength, food availability, and ambient temperature. However, under favorable conditions they can work quite quickly and build a central wall in just a few days.
Weak bees can be helped by providing them with extra food, monitoring their health and, if necessary, administering medical treatments to combat diseases or parasites.
You can help bees by growing bee-friendly plants, avoiding pesticides, creating bee-friendly habitats and supporting beekeepers.
To survive, bees need food in the form of nectar and pollen, a clean habitat, protection from diseases and parasites, and an intact social structure in the bee colony.
Bees have pollen baskets, also called panties, on their legs to transport pollen.
Without beekeepers, bees could suffer from poorer care and monitoring, which could lead to an increase in diseases and parasites and lower survival rates.
Products from bees include honey, wax, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom.
Products derived from bees include honey, wax, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom.
The swarming period for bees can vary depending on the region and weather conditions, but usually lasts a few weeks in the spring.
You can keep bees away by using scented substances that deter them or by installing barriers that restrict their access to certain areas.
Without bees we would lose a lot of food, as they are essential pollinators for a variety of plants.
Bees do not usually stay in the shutter box permanently, but may use it as a temporary shelter to rest or spend the night.
In October, various plants such as autumn asters, ivy and sedum bloom for bees.
In June, various plants such as lavender, clover and sunflowers bloom for bees.
A bee's face can be painted with yellow and black colors to mimic the look of bee stripes and completed with wings or antennae.
The name of the bees comes from the Old Germanic word "bī", which means "to hum" and refers to the characteristic hum of bees.
Bees may not go to geraniums because these plants may not produce enough nectar or pollen to be attractive to bees.
Depending on the size and strength of the bee colony, several hundred to several thousand bees can live in a Mini-Plus.
The tasks of bees in the hive include, among other things, collecting nectar and pollen, caring for the brood, cleaning the hive and defending the colony.
Bees are of great benefit to us because, as pollinators, they play a crucial role in pollinating plants and maintaining natural ecosystems, which in turn supports food security and biodiversity.
Bees cannot stand the smell of vinegar or strongly perfumed substances.
In Ark: Survival Evolved, bees are mostly found in the honeycombs found on beehives in beehives.
Foulbrood in bees is a bacterial infection that spreads through bee larvae and brood nests and can lead to colony collapse.
Bees do not normally bite, but rather sting with their stinger to defend themselves.
Bees do not normally dig burrows in the ground, but some species of wild bees, such as mason bees, build their nests in the ground.
If bees are robbed, the affected hive should be protected from further attacks, access to the hive reduced and weak colonies strengthened if necessary.
A bee's mouth consists of a proboscis, a proboscis that is used to suck nectar from flowers.
A bee's face can be painted with yellow and black colors to mimic the look of bee stripes and completed with wings or antennae.
Bees build honeycomb according to need and available resources, usually in spring and summer when food is plentiful.
Bees use the honeycomb to store honey, pollen and raise brood.
Bees can be at risk when temperatures are too high, especially if the hive becomes too hot and they have difficulty regulating the temperature.
There are many different types of bees, including honey bees, wild bees, bumblebees, mason bees and many more.
Yes, bears can be stung by bees when they forage for food near colonies or hives.
Bees are extremely important to humans because, as pollinators, they play a crucial role in food production and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.
Children can support bees by growing bee-friendly plants, not using pesticides, learning about bees and perhaps sponsoring bees.
Bees typically stop breeding when the days become shorter and temperatures drop, usually in fall and winter.
Yes, bees can eat fruit such as: B. overripe fruits can be fed, but this should be done carefully and in quantities.
The structure of bees is called a hive.
Bees enter the garden to forage when they find suitable flowers that produce abundant nectar and pollen.
You shouldn't just "get rid of" bees, but rather leave them alone if possible and give them their habitat and food sources.
Various products can be earned from bees, including honey, wax, royal jelly and pollen.
There are many different types of bees, including honey bees, wild bees, bumblebees, mason bees and many more.
Bees do not like the smell of vinegar or strongly perfumed substances.
World Bee Day is celebrated on May 20th every year.
The price of 1 kg of bees may vary depending on the region and type of bees and depends on various factors such as demand and supply in the market.
Depending on the size and type of hive and the time of year, a beehive can contain from several thousand to tens of thousands of bees.
The home of bees is called a hive.
Various measures can be taken to combat bees outdoors, such as putting up fly screens or avoiding scented substances that could attract bees.
Bees generally do not need to be fed extra in the summer, as there is usually enough food available at this time. However, if there is extreme drought or other circumstances, additional feeding may be necessary.
There are different boxes for bees, including magazine hives, Dadant hives, zander hives and many more.
To live, bees need food in the form of nectar and pollen, a clean living space, protection from diseases and parasites, and an intact social structure in the bee colony.
Bees begin flying in the morning once temperatures have risen sufficiently and the sun has risen, usually from the early hours of the morning.
Spring bloomers such as crocuses, snowdrops and primroses are good for bees because they produce abundant nectar and pollen and bloom early in the year.
A drone in bees is a male member of the bee colony who does not perform any work in the hive but is primarily dedicated to mating with a queen.
The job of a drone in bees is to mate with a queen to enable the colony to reproduce.
The benefit of bees lies primarily in their role as pollinators of plants, which is essential for human nutrition and the preservation of biodiversity.
Bees can be treated with formic acid for the Varroa mite, a common method in beekeeping to combat these parasites.
Bees sit in front of the entrance hole to defend the entrance and ward off potential intruders.
The dance of bees is a communication method that bees use to communicate the direction and distance to food sources to their fellow bees.
A drone battle in bees is a fight between drones for the favor of a queen capable of mating.
Viburnum is a plant that can be visited by bees, but it may not be as attractive to bees as other flowering plants.
Bees are best attracted to plants with abundant nectar and pollen, such as lavender, sunflowers and cornflowers.
The total number of bees worldwide is difficult to determine because they occur in numerous species and populations. However, estimates suggest there could be billions of bees.
The reasons for the increased number of bees in a given year can be varied, including favorable weather conditions, good availability of food sources and successful breeding.
Bees pollinate a variety of fruits, including apples, pears, cherries, berries and many others.
It is advisable to acquire bees if you have enough knowledge about their care and needs and can provide the necessary equipment and resources to care for them.
Depending on the species and environment, bees can fly several kilometers to collect food.
Plants that have been treated with pesticides or those that produce little or no nectar and pollen are bad for bees.
Bees come out of the insect hotel to look for food when they find suitable flowers nearby.
Depending on its size and species, a hornet can eat several dozen to several hundred bees in a short period of time.
Bees do not pollinate plants that are pollinated by the wind, such as grasses and some conifers.
Bees can get into your room if they accidentally fly in while looking for food or shelter.
The buzzing of bees is caused by the rapid movement of their wings, which create air vibrations.
The round dance in bees is a dance form that bees use to tell their fellow bees the direction to a food source.
Bees go to an insect hotel to find suitable nesting sites, especially those that are attractive to solitary bees.
The Whisper of the Bees is a novel by Rachel Joyce set in an English village and tells the story of an unusual friendship between a girl and a beekeeper.
Bees can recover from Nosema, especially if the infection is detected and treated early.
A drone in bees is a male member of the bee colony who does not perform any work in the hive but is primarily dedicated to mating with a queen.
Mini bees could refer to different types of small bees, such as mason bees or dwarf bees.
Yes, cats can be stung by bees if they try to catch the bees or play.
Depending on the climate and region, bees are active during the warm season, usually from spring to fall.
Nosema in bees can be treated with special medications, usually administered by a veterinarian or an experienced beekeeper.
To combat bees in the window, you can install nets or fly screens to prevent them from entering the house, or use essential oils to deter bees.
Depending on the climate and region, a bee meadow can be sown in spring or early summer when conditions are favorable for growth.
Depending on the size and type of the box and the bee colony, several thousand bees can live in a bee box.
Yes, bees can be kept in a greenhouse to pollinate plants or produce honey, provided that the conditions in the greenhouse are suitable for the bees.
Bees typically stop flying out when the days get shorter and temperatures drop, usually in the fall.
Bees usually have a yellow and black striped pattern.
Beehives should preferably face east or southeast to receive the first rays of sunlight of the day.
To attract bees to the bee hotel, you can plant fragrant plants near the hotel, such as lavender or cornflowers, which will attract bees.
Bees are threatened by several factors, including habitat loss, pesticide use, diseases such as the Varroa mite and climate change, which can reduce their populations.
Bees generally stop collecting when it gets dark and the temperature drops.
Mites in bees can be identified by their wings and bodies. Increased infestations can lead to weak or sick bee colonies.
Bees and bumblebees are attracted to a variety of flowers and plants that produce nectar and pollen.
Hoverflies look like bees to protect themselves from predators, as their similarity causes them to camouflage themselves as bees.
Bees are vital to us because they do much of the pollination of plants, which is essential for the production of food and the maintenance of ecosystems.
In autumn, many plants such as aster, sunflower, pumpkin, and autumn crocus bloom, which are an important source of food for bees.
To prevent bees on the patio, you can use insect protection nets or curtains or avoid certain types of plants that attract them.
A lot can be said about bees, for example their role in pollination, their social structure in the bee colony, their communication methods such as the bee dance, and much more.
The number of bees in Austria can vary, but there are thousands of bee colonies in the country.
Some bee species that are threatened with extinction include the dark bee and the woolly bee.
A bee-eater can eat several dozen bees per day, depending on availability and hunting skill.
With "What's wrong with the bees?" could allude to problems such as bee deaths, disease or environmental pollution that threaten the survival of bees.
Bees stop flying when it gets too dark or too cold, or when they have gathered enough food.
Bees sleep about five to eight hours a day, mostly at night or in cooler temperatures.
Bees use various dance styles to communicate the location and quality of food sources to their peers, including the round dance and the waggle dance.
The round dance in bees is used to communicate nearby food sources. The bee runs in small circles on the honeycomb.
There are different species of bees, including the honey bee, wild bees such as mason bees and fur bees, bumblebees and many others.
Without bees, pollination of plants would be severely impaired, leading to a decline in crop production and an imbalance in ecosystems.
Bees dislike certain essential oils, including lemongrass, lemon and tea tree oil.
Bees produce products such as honey, beeswax, royal jelly and propolis.
Bees and pollen are not the same thing. Bees collect pollen for food, while flower pollen is the male germ cells of flowers.
Tulips with open flowers that produce lots of nectar and pollen are good for bees.
To deter bees, you can use certain scents such as citrus oils or clove oil.
Bees can die after stinging because their stinger is attached to part of their body and is torn out when they sting.
Bees usually move to new hive in spring or summer when the colony becomes too large for the available space or the conditions are unfavorable.
Bees may not go to lilacs if there are other more attractive food sources nearby or if the flowers do not produce enough nectar or pollen.
Plants such as lavender, clover, sunflowers and thyme are particularly good for bees.
The bluebell tree can be a food source for bees, although other plants may be preferred.
Bees nest in the insect hotel for varying periods of time depending on the species and conditions, but typically for a few weeks to a few months.
There are various dances among bees, including the round dance, the waggle dance and the waggle circle. Each dance has a specific meaning, such as communicating the location and quality of food sources.
Yes, in Germany it is allowed to keep bees, but beekeepers must comply with certain legal regulations and regulations, especially regarding the location of the hives and the handling of the bees.
There are over 600 species of wild bees in Switzerland, which play an important role in pollinating plants and contributing to the diversity of the ecosystem.
The number of bees in a beehive can vary depending on the size of the bee colony; typically thousands to tens of thousands of bees live in a beehive.
Beekeepers give bees sugar water as food, especially during times when natural food sources are scarce, such as in spring or during inclement weather. This serves to ensure the survival of the bee colony and to support the bees during difficult phases.
The number of bees in a colony can vary depending on the season and the size of the colony. An average bee colony can contain tens of thousands of bees during the peak summer season.
Vegetables such as potatoes, carrots and onions are generally not pollinated by bees. These plants are mainly propagated by wind pollination or self-pollination.
The exact number of bees in Germany can vary and depends on various factors such as season, weather conditions and beekeeping practices. However, it is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands to millions of bee colonies in Germany.
It is extremely rare for people to die directly from bee stings. In most cases, the cause is allergic reactions to bee venom, which can be life-threatening in some people. However, the exact number of deaths from bee stings is difficult to determine and varies from year to year and region to region.
Bees begin breeding again when temperatures rise and sufficient food is available, typically in spring.
Bees do not build their honeycombs horizontally, but rather hang them vertically to take advantage of gravity and efficiently use the structure of the hive.
Bee nucs can be made at different times in spring and summer depending on conditions and breeding schedule.
Bee nucs can be made at different times in spring and summer depending on conditions and breeding schedule.
Oxalic acid for bees is usually made in a dilute solution and can either be purchased or made yourself by diluting oxalic acid with water.
The food needs of bees in the spring depend on various factors, including the size of the colony, the available forage and weather conditions.
There are different types of bees in Germany, including the honey bee (Apis mellifera) and numerous species of wild bees such as bumblebees and solitary bees.
Bees are usually treated with oxalic acid when the outside temperature is below 10°C, typically in winter.
Bees can be more aggressive when they feel threatened or stressed, for example by adverse weather conditions, predation or disease.
The aggressiveness of bees can be influenced by various factors, including weather conditions, resource scarcity and hive stress factors.
The number of bees in a hive can vary depending on the size of the colony and the bee species, but typically there are thousands of bees.
The Swarming of a Thousand Bees is a paperback by Torben Kuhlmann and was published in 2017.
Depending on the season and the size of the colony, a beehive can contain several thousand to several tens of thousands of bees.
Bees play an important role in pollinating avocado flowers, which contributes to the production of avocados.
In October, depending on weather conditions and food availability, bees can still be fed to provide them with sufficient supplies for the winter.
Without bees, many foods such as fruit, vegetables and nuts would not exist, as they do a large part of pollination.
To prevent bees on the patio, you can use insect protection nets or curtains or avoid certain scents that attract bees.
Bees can be attracted to a greenhouse by growing flowering plants that attract bees and by leaving the entrance to the greenhouse open for the bees to fly inside.
There are various reasons for the increased occurrence of dead bees, including disease, parasites, pesticide use and environmental changes.
The size of a bee colony can vary depending on the species and environment, but typically a bee colony contains several thousand to ten thousand bees.
A bee swarm can consist of thousands of bees, depending on the size of the original colony and the circumstances that led to the swarming.
Over the winter, bees form a winter cluster in the hive to keep each other warm and access the food supplies they have collected during the summer.
To keep bees away, you can use scents that repel them, such as clove oil or citrus oils, or install insect screens and curtains on windows and doors.
Professions that are related to bees include beekeepers, beekeepers, researchers in apidology (bee science), bee protection officers and teachers who educate about the importance of bees.
Bees are present in summer during the warm season, typically spring through fall.
Bees are important because they carry out a large part of the pollination of plants, which is crucial for the production of food and the maintenance of ecosystems.
Food dough for bees can usually be kept for several months if stored in a dry and cool place.
Bees cannot transmit diseases directly to humans. However, stings can trigger allergic reactions.
Bees can have a variety of diseases, including Varroa mite, American foulbrood, European foulbrood and Nosema.
Swarming of bees is the natural reproduction process in which part of the bee colony leaves the hive with a new queen to look for a new location.
The number of bees in a swarm can vary depending on the size of the original colony and the circumstances that led to the swarming, but typically there are thousands of bees.
The nuptial flight of bees usually lasts around 20 to 30 minutes.
The nuptial flight of bees occurs when a young queen flies out of the colony to mate with drones from other colonies, typically shortly after mating.
If bees are not registered, there may be legal consequences, as keeping bees is regulated in many regions and certain standards must be met.
The estimated number of bees in the world is in the billions.
If you have bees in your roller shutter box, you can seek professional help from beekeepers or pest controllers to safely remove the bees.
If bees are not treated, they can suffer from diseases and parasites, which can weaken the colony and, in the worst case, lead to the death of the colony.
Depending on the region, bees can be registered with the local veterinary authorities or agricultural offices. The exact registration procedures may vary from location to location.
An allergic reaction to bee stings can cause symptoms such as swelling, redness, shortness of breath and, in severe cases, anaphylactic shock, which can be life-threatening. It is important to seek medical help if you are allergic to bees.
In November, depending on the region and weather conditions, it may still be possible to feed bees to ensure they have enough supplies for the winter.
Some plants, such as tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, are pollinated primarily by other pollinators such as bumblebees and certain species of flies, rather than by bees.
Bees pollinate a large number of plants, estimated at over 80% of the world's crops.
To make a nuc of bees, you can place a frame honeycomb with bee larvae and eggs from an existing bee colony into a new hive and provide it with bees and a young queen.
Treating bees with oxalic acid is usually done as needed and as recommended by an experienced beekeeper, but typically once or twice per year.
The cost of beekeeping can vary depending on location, equipment, number of colonies, and other factors.
Bees are typically treated with formic acid to control varroa mites in late summer or early fall when the breeding period is complete.
To attract bees to an apiary, you can create attractive nesting opportunities, such as empty bee boxes or baskets, as well as a good environment with plentiful food sources.
There are various things you can do about bees, such as keeping bee colonies, planting bee-friendly plants, spreading information about bees or getting involved in bee protection.
Treating bees with formic acid is usually carried out according to the instructions of an experienced beekeeper and depending on the conditions in the hive, but typically once or twice a year.
The number of bees in a bee box can vary depending on the size of the colony and the hive capacity, but typically there are thousands of bees.
To remove bees from a roller shutter box, it is advisable to seek professional help from beekeepers or pest controllers to safely remove the bees and relocate them to a new location.
Some plants that have been treated with pesticides or do not produce adequate amounts of nectar and pollen are not good for bees.
Depending on the breed and colony, there can be between 8,000 and 12,000 bees on a Dadant honeycomb.
To make a nuc of bees, you take a frame of honeycomb containing brood and eggs from an existing bee colony and place it in a new hive along with a young queen.
Bee stings are usually narrower and leave a small stinger. Wasp stings are wider and do not leave a stinger, but can sting multiple times.
If there are bees on the balcony, it is advisable to stay calm and not disturb the bees. If they don't bother you, they can usually continue with their activities.
To attract bees and bumblebees, you can plant flowering plants that produce abundant nectar and pollen, such as lavender, clover, sunflowers, and thyme.
Depending on the size of the colony and the bee breed, there can be several thousand to ten thousand bees on a honeycomb.
Depending on the size and capacity of the hive, a hive can house tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of bees.
The extinction of bees has serious consequences for pollination of plants and therefore for food security and ecological balance.
Bees build middle walls depending on needs and resources, but typically within a few days.
Bees often fly up to several kilometers to fetch water, depending on availability in the area.
The development of bee larvae from egg to hatch usually takes about 21 days for worker bees and slightly longer for queens and drones.
Depending on the season and the size of the colony, a bee colony can contain several thousand to several tens of thousands of bees.
The structure of bees is called a hive or hive.
The reasons for increased bee deaths can be varied, including disease, parasites, pesticide use, environmental changes and climate change.
The number of people who are allergic to bee stings varies, but estimates put it at around 1-3% of the population.
Bees do not fly at night because they cannot see at night and therefore cannot orientate themselves.
Bees are active during the day and spend most of their time collecting food, foraging for pollen and organizing the hive.
About 1-3% of the population is allergic to bees.
Depending on the size of the colony and the bee breed, there can be between 8,000 and 12,000 bees on a honeycomb.
Without bees in the world, the pollination of many plants and thus the production of food would be severely affected.
There are no bees at sea because they feed mainly on flowers and find less suitable food sources in coastal regions.
In the fall, you can help bees by growing bee-friendly plants that bloom late and provide nectar and pollen.
The flight radius of bees is usually up to several kilometers, depending on the availability of food and other resources in the area.
Bees play an important role in pollinating avocado flowers, which contributes to the production of avocados.
Without bees, many plants could not be pollinated, leading to a drastic decline in food production and an imbalance in ecosystems.
If there were no bees, pollination of many plants would be severely affected, leading to a decline in the production of fruits, vegetables, nuts and other foods.
Without bees, we would not have many foods, including fruits such as apples, berries, pears and peaches, vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, and nuts such as almonds.
If there were no more bees, other pollinators such as bumblebees, butterflies and flies would have to take over the pollination, but this would not be possible to the same extent.
In Ranch Simulator, bees are usually found near flower meadows or in bee colonies kept in hives.
Depending on the size of the bee colony and the hive capacity, several thousand to ten thousand bees live in a honeycomb.
Bees' drones are often expelled from the hive or killed in winter because they do not play an important role in overwintering and consume resources.
It is too hot for bees when temperatures rise above 40°C as this can affect their ability to fly and lead to overheating.
When bees die, they often exhibit uncoordinated movements before landing on the ground and dying.
Avocados rely on bees to pollinate their flowers and produce fruit.
Bees can be attracted to a greenhouse by growing flowering plants that attract bees and by leaving the entrance to the greenhouse open for the bees to fly inside.
Bees are extremely important to our ecosystem as they carry out a large part of the pollination of plants, which is crucial for the production of food and the preservation of biodiversity.
Bees can be attracted to the garden by growing bee-friendly plants that produce abundant nectar and pollen, such as lavender, sunflowers and clover.
Bees have pollen attached to their legs, which they collect from flowers to gather food for their brood and the hive.
Dreams about bees can have different meanings depending on the context, from positive symbols of hard work and community to warning signs of threats or conflict.
The best lavender for bees is often true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), as it provides a rich source of nectar and pollen and has a long flowering period.
We can learn many things from bees, including teamwork, organization, efficiency and adaptability to changing environmental conditions.
There are no native bee species in Antarctica.
There are no native bee species in Antarctica because the climate is too extreme and inhospitable for bees.
When it is cold, bees gather in the hive to form a winter cluster to keep each other warm and protect the queen.
Bees usually do not attack the beekeeper because they recognize the beekeeper's scent and consider them part of their colony.
Almonds rely on bees to pollinate their flowers and produce fruit.
With bees under the roof, it is advisable to seek professional help from beekeepers or pest controllers to safely remove the bees and relocate them to a new location.
There are bees in China, but the absence of bees in certain regions may be due to pollution, pesticide use and habitat loss.
Depending on the season and the size of the colony, a bee colony can contain several thousand to ten thousand bees.
Yes, bees have a brain and nervous system that allow them to learn, communicate, and accomplish complex tasks like finding food.
Often referred to as the “City of Bees”, Manchester has adopted the bee as a symbol of hard work and collaboration.
Bees are important for sustainability as they play a key role in plant pollination, which is crucial for food security and ecological balance.
Bees are usually active during the warm season, typically spring through fall.
A single hornet can kill several bees, but there is no fixed number as it depends on various factors.
Bees usually do not attack the beekeeper because they recognize the beekeeper's scent and consider them part of their colony.
Foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds would decline sharply or disappear entirely without pollination by bees.
It is important to protect bees because they play a crucial role in pollinating plants that are essential to human and animal nutrition.
True lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is best for bees because it provides a rich source of nectar and pollen and has a long flowering period.
In the fall, bees prepare for winter by organizing their food supplies and winter clusters in the hive.
The venom of hornets is stronger than that of bees because hornets are generally larger and can inject a greater amount of venom.
Bees can starve to death within days if they do not have access to sufficient food.
Treating bees with formic acid is usually done once or twice a year, depending on needs and the recommendations of an experienced beekeeper.
Bees are most active in the early morning and late afternoon when temperatures are milder and humidity is higher.
When it's too hot, bees often gather in the hive and organize themselves into a winter cluster to regulate the temperature and cool each other.
It is too warm for bees when temperatures rise above 40°C and humidity is low, which can affect their ability to fly and lead to overheating.
To help bees in hot weather, you can ensure adequate water sources near your garden and provide shaded areas with plentiful food plants.
Bees can be kept in the garden by housing colonies in hives or hives and providing adequate food sources and protection from predators.
Home remedies such as clove oil, lemongrass oil or lavender oil can be used to keep bees away in the garden.
The best time to migrate with bees is in the spring or summer when temperatures are mild and plants are in high bloom.
Bees often gather in front of the entrance hole to organize themselves, explore the surroundings and choose the optimal time for the trip.
It can be harmful for cats to eat bees as they can suffer allergic reactions or poisoning from bee stings.
To make a nuc in bees, you take a frame of honeycomb with brood and eggs from an existing bee colony and place it in a new hive along with a young queen.
Bees and bumblebees use insect hotels as nesting places to lay their eggs and raise their larvae.
In bees, metamorphosis refers to the process of development from egg to larva, to pupa, and finally to adult insect.
The exact number of bees that die in Germany each year varies depending on various factors such as weather conditions, diseases and environmental pollution. It is difficult to give an exact number.
The Latin name for bees is "Apis".
Bee food dough can be made by mixing sugar and water in a 2:1 or 1:1 ratio until a thick, sticky mixture forms.
To remove bees from the window frame, it is advisable to seek professional help from beekeepers or pest controllers to safely remove the bees and relocate them to a new location.
The round dance in bees is a type of dance used by bees to communicate the direction and distance to a food source to their fellow bees.
Bees can typically form nucs until late summer or early fall, depending on weather conditions and the availability of brood and resources.
Bees can usually form nucs during the warm season, typically from spring to fall.
For example, a bird that eats bees is the bee-eater (Merops apiaster).
In October, depending on weather conditions and food availability, bees can still be fed to ensure they have sufficient supplies for the winter.
Several bee species are at risk of extinction, including the wild bee and the Asian honey bee, due to habitat loss, disease, pesticides and other factors.
Bees can typically form nucs until late summer or early fall, depending on weather conditions and the availability of brood and resources.
Bees do not have a cardiovascular system with blood like vertebrates, but rather an open circulatory system that contains hemolymph.
Bees excrete through the anus by excreting feces and waste products.
The round dance in bees is a type of dance used by bees to communicate the direction and distance to a food source to their fellow bees.
The worst parasite in bees is the Varroa mite (Varroa destructor), which can cause serious damage to bee colonies.
Bees cannot fly at night because they rely on visual orientation and cannot navigate in the dark.
The beekeeper protects himself from bees by wearing protective clothing that protects him from stings and by using gentle smoking devices to calm the bees.
Depending on the bee colony and breed, there can be between 8,000 and 12,000 bees on a zander honeycomb.
A bee sting usually leaves a stinger and causes a narrow, stabbing pain sensation, while a wasp sting is wider and more painful and does not leave a stinger.
The smoke on bees is used to calm the bees and reduce their defensive reactions when the beekeeper opens the hive.
The smoke on bees works by causing the bees to stock up on food and leave the hive, making it easier for beekeepers to work.
Bees are extremely important to humans as they play a crucial role in the pollination of plants, which are essential for food production and ecological balance.
The three types of bees that are distinguished are the queen (female reproductive animal), the workers (barren female bees) and the drones (male bees).
Bees typically do not like harsh or caustic smells, such as smells from cleaning products or chemicals.
If the neighbor has bees and this is a problem, it is advisable to talk to the neighbor and discuss possible solutions, such as moving the hive to a different location.
To remove bees from the apartment, it is advisable to seek professional help from beekeepers or pest controllers to safely remove the bees and relocate them to a new location.
Bees often hide in cavities in the home, such as behind walls, in attics or under floors.
Bees can be attracted to the bee hotel by providing attractive nesting opportunities, such as empty bee boxes or baskets, as well as a good environment with plentiful food sources.
Plants that are unsuitable for bees are those that produce little or no nectar and pollen, such as plants with double flowers or ornamental plants with little nutritional value.
The biggest enemy of bees is probably parasites such as the Varroa mite, which can transmit diseases and affect the health of bee colonies.
The bee journal is based in Germany.
Before swarming, bees behave restlessly, filling the honeycomb and preparing to leave the hive.
Bees can drink water from shallow containers, birdbaths, or damp areas on the ground.
Foods like bananas, kiwis and papayas are not pollinated by bees.
Bees pollinate around 80% of crops and wild plants.
Bees warn each other about hornets by emitting certain scents and mobilizing other bees to defend themselves.
Bees stay in one place as long as they can find food there and the environment is safe for them.
Plants such as lavender, sunflowers, bluebells and butterfly lilac attract both bees and butterflies.
Bees can be offered water with a small amount of added sugar to drink by providing a sugar solution in shallow containers.
The costs of beekeeping can vary depending on the equipment, number of bee colonies and local conditions.
Yes, you can keep bees on the balcony by accommodating small colonies in bee boxes or hives and providing sufficient food sources.
Plants such as fruit trees, berry bushes, vegetables and many wildflowers need to be pollinated by bees to produce fruit.
Bees show other bees the direction to food through special dance forms, such as the waggle dance or round dance.
Bees can be used to produce honey, extract wax, collect pollen, make beeswax products and support the pollination of plants.
To combat bees in the house wall, it is advisable to seek professional help from beekeepers or pest controllers to safely remove the bees and relocate them to a new location.
Honey, beeswax, propolis, royal jelly and bee pollen can be obtained from bees, which can be used for various applications in the kitchen, cosmetics and medicine.
Bees can be treated with oxalic acid, typically in winter when the bees are in a non-brooding period.
Bees are generally not dangerous to humans unless they feel threatened and attack. Most bees are peaceful and only sting when they need to defend themselves.
Hedgehogs can swim, but they are unlikely to intentionally enter water to bathe. Bees do not normally actively search for water to bathe in.
The time it takes to keep bees depends on various factors, including the number of bee colonies, the type of care and the individual needs of the bees.
In addition to honey, bees also produce beeswax, propolis, royal jelly and bee pollen, all of which have different uses.
Bees rely on visual orientation and cannot navigate in the dark, so they typically do not fly at night.
1.5kg of bees is equivalent to around 15,000 bees as an average bee weighs around 0.1g.
Against aggressive bees, it is advisable to remain calm, move slowly and slowly move away from their territory so as not to provoke attacks.
Bees are of immense importance to humans, as they carry out a large part of the pollination of crops that are essential for our diet and ecosystems.
The Bible mentions the importance of bees in various places, including Psalms 118:12, where they are mentioned as a symbol of enemies.
To protect yourself from bees, you should remain calm and slowly move away from them if they become aggressive. Protective clothing can also be helpful.
It is too cold for bees when temperatures drop below freezing and the bees no longer have enough food or warmth to survive.
Keeping bees usually requires enough space for hives or hives as well as sufficient food sources in the area.
The cost of bee removal can vary depending on the scope of the problem, accessibility of the hive, and other factors.
A wasp sting usually hurts more than a bee sting because wasps inject more venom and the sting is sharper.
To get rid of bees in the shutter box, it is advisable to seek professional help from beekeepers or pest controllers to safely remove the bees and relocate them to a new location.
The dance of the bees is called the “waggle dance”.
There are various dances among bees, including the waggle dance, the round dance and the buzz dance.
Treatment of bees with formic acid is usually carried out over a period of 3-4 weeks, depending on the recommendations of an experienced beekeeper and the needs of the bee colony.
Bees cannot fly at night because they rely on visual orientation and cannot navigate in the dark.
Plants such as lavender, sunflowers, clover, borage, cornflower and many other flowering plants that provide plenty of nectar and pollen are particularly good for bees.
Products we get from bees include honey, beeswax, propolis, royal jelly and bee pollen.
Shrubs such as lavender, pussy willow, privet, butterfly bush and cornelian cherry are particularly suitable for bees.
Depending on the season and the size of the colony, a bee colony can contain several thousand to ten thousand bees.
Depending on the season and the size of the colony, a bee colony can contain several thousand to ten thousand bees.
It is possible to keep bees in the garden if you provide enough space and a good environment with enough food sources for the bees.
Bees find their way home using landmarks such as landmarks, the position of the sun and scent trails.
Depending on the distance and environment, bees can travel several kilometers to return to their hive.
A plant that is particularly good for bees is lavender because it produces abundant nectar and pollen and has a long flowering period.
To attract bees to an insect hotel, you can use various materials such as wooden blocks with holes, reeds or bamboo tubes and place the hotel in a sunny, sheltered location. Providing nesting materials and planting bee-friendly plants nearby can also help attract bees.
To attract bees to your balcony, you can grow bee-friendly plants such as lavender, sunflowers, bluebells and clover, as well as provide shallow water sources and nesting areas such as insect hotels.
Plants that are suitable for bees on the balcony include lavender, sunflowers, thyme, sage, rosemary and clover.
Bees should not be given sugar water as it is not the natural food for bees and it can lead to various health problems, especially adulteration of honey.
Cherry laurel attracts many bees because it produces abundant nectar and has a long flowering period that attracts bees in spring and early summer.
To attract bees to a bee hotel, you can use various materials such as wooden blocks with holes, reeds or bamboo tubes and place the hotel in a sunny, sheltered location. Providing nesting materials and planting bee-friendly plants nearby can also help attract bees.
Depending on the size and bee breed, between 2,000 and 4,000 bees fit on one frame.
To get bees in a hive, you can capture a swarm of bees or purchase a colony from an experienced beekeeper.
Yes, you can suddenly become allergic to bees even if you didn't have an allergy before. In such cases, it is important to seek medical attention and take appropriate precautions to avoid stings.
Plants such as lavender, sunflowers, clover, borage, cornflower and many other flowering plants attract both bees and bumblebees.
In the fall, bees prepare for winter by replenishing their supplies, feeding the queen, and preparing for the cold months by reducing their activities.
Depending on the distance and environment, bees can travel several kilometers in a day to find food and return to their hive.
Bees stop flying when temperatures are too low, typically below 10°C, as they can no longer warm up enough to fly.
Bees start flying in the morning when temperatures rise and the sun rises, usually from around 10-12°C.
Bees are called social insects because they live in large groups, work together and exhibit complex social behavior to ensure the survival of the colony.
It is ideal for bees when temperatures are between 15 and 35°C during the day in order to be able to fly and carry out their activities optimally.
Bees generally stop flying when the temperature falls below around 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. Below this temperature limit, bees become lethargic and generally stay in the hive.
The number of bees on a walleye honeycomb can vary depending on the season, colony activity and other factors. Hundreds to thousands of bees can sit on a walleye honeycomb.
The number of bees in a bee nest depends on various factors, including the size of the bee colony, the breed of bee and the time of year. A bee colony can contain thousands to tens of thousands of bees.
Without bees, there would be a significant decline in pollination of plants, leading to a drastic decline in crop yields. Many plants, including crops and wild plants, rely on pollination by bees.
We can learn many things from bees, including organization, cooperation, efficiency, adaptability and much more. Their complex social structure and ability to work as a collective offer numerous lessons for human societies and organizations.
Swarming of bees is a natural reproductive process in which part of the bee colony leaves the hive to form a new swarm. Swarming ends when the swarm settles in a new location and starts a new hive there.
The cost of a hive of bees can vary depending on the region, bee breed, equipment and other factors. As a rule, the cost of a complete hive with a colony of bees and equipment can range from a few hundred to thousands of euros.
People use a variety of bee products including honey, beeswax, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom for medicinal purposes.
Humans use bee products such as honey, beeswax, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom for various purposes including nutrition, medicine, cosmetics and crafts.
The number of bees in a hive can vary depending on the size of the bee colony. A typical hive can contain thousands to tens of thousands of bees, depending on factors such as season, bee breed and colony activity.
Many plant species attractive to bees bloom in June and July, including various herbs, wildflowers, fruit trees such as acacia, linden, chestnut and sunflower.
Bees protect their hive from intruders by positioning guard bees to guard the entrance and ward off potential intruders. You can also use resin (propolis) to seal the hive and defend it against intruders.
Depending on the species and environment, bees can fly up to several kilometers to collect nectar and pollen. However, the flight range can vary and depends on various factors such as weather conditions and availability of food sources.
After a bee stings, it usually dies within a few minutes to hours due to the loss of its stinger and part of its abdomen. The stinging process results in the stinger and associated venom sac being torn from the bee's body, resulting in its death.
Bees have a barb on their stinger. When they sting, the stinger becomes lodged in the victim's skin, causing the bee's abdomen to be torn out. This causes the bee to die.
Bee-friendly plants such as lavender, sunflowers, thyme, sage, rosemary, clover and borage can be grown on the balcony for bees.
Predation in bees can be recognized when bees appear aggressively at the entrance holes of other hives and attempt to enter the hive to steal food.
Japanese bees defend themselves against hornets by gathering in a large ball around the hornet and increasing their body temperature to overheat and kill the hornet.
To combat bees in the shutter box, it is advisable to seek professional help from beekeepers or pest controllers to safely remove the bees and relocate them to a new location.
It is possible to keep bees in a skep, although traditional skeps are no longer allowed to be used in some countries due to animal welfare regulations.
Bees are important to us because they do much of the pollination of crops that are essential to our diet and ecosystems.
Bees require nectar from flowering plants to generate energy and honeydew from aphids to produce wax.
Depending on the size of the colony and the bee breed, several thousand to ten thousand bees can live in a bee nest.
To light a bee smoker, fill the smoker with combustible material such as wood chips or cardboard, light the material, and then gently blow into the smoker to fan the embers.
If a swarm of bees attacks, it is important to remain calm, move slowly, and slowly move away from their area to avoid further attacks.
It is too warm for bees when temperatures rise above 35°C as they struggle to cool themselves sufficiently and ventilate their honeycombs.
The number of bees in China is difficult to determine precisely because there are a large variety of bee colonies and breeds kept in different regions of the country.
To clean bee hives, you remove old honeycomb, clean the hives thoroughly, and disinfect them to combat diseases and parasites.
The complexity of keeping bees depends on various factors, including the number of bee colonies, site conditions and the level of care you want to provide.
Bees can usually form nucs until late summer or early fall, depending on the climatic conditions.
The bird that eats bees is the bee-eater.
Bees are most active during the months of spring and summer, when the weather is warmer and there are a variety of flowering plants.
Without bees, there would be no pollination of crops, leading to a dramatic decline in crop yields and ultimately food shortages, endangering people's livelihoods.
You can find out more about bees in books, specialist magazines, on the Internet, in beekeepers' associations, at training courses and workshops and through exchanges with experienced beekeepers.
To lure bees out of your home, you can make it easier for them to get outside by opening windows and doors and offering sweet attractants such as sugar water or honey.
After summer, bees prepare for winter by stocking up on food, feeding the queen, and preparing for the cold months by reducing their activities.
To keep bees you need a hive, bee colonies, beekeeping tools, protective clothing, knowledge of beekeeping and a suitable environment for the bees.
Formic acid is used in bees to combat Varroa mites. It can be applied in the form of vaporized formic acid or as a drip treatment, taking into account the manufacturer's instructions and safety precautions.
The Buckfast bee is considered one of the most resistant bee breeds to Varroa mites.
Male bees, also known as drones, develop from unfertilized eggs.
You can do a variety of things with bees, including harvesting honey, obtaining beeswax, using pollination services, making bee products, and observing and exploring nature.
To remove bees from masonry, it is advisable to seek professional help from beekeepers or pest controllers to safely remove the bees and relocate them to a new location.
Depending on weather conditions and food availability, bees can fly several kilometers at a time to look for food.
Bees can be attracted to the hive by luring them with attractive food sources such as sugar water or honey and placing the hive in a suitable location.
Life without bees would lead to a dramatic decline in pollination of crops, reducing crop yields and leading to food shortages. In addition, the diversity and beauty of nature would be severely affected.
The food needs of bees in April depend on a variety of factors, including weather conditions, colony size, and availability of food sources. However, in spring, as bee colonies grow and brood production increases, bees require more food, primarily in the form of pollen and nectar, to sustain themselves and care for offspring.
Beekeepers typically feed their bees sugar water when natural food sources are scarce or when the bees need additional energy, such as during a period of food shortage or in winter to support overwintering.
The nuptial flight is the flight of a young queen from her home colony to mate with several drones outside the hive. During the nuptial flight, the queen can be mated by several drones, and upon her return to the hive she begins laying eggs.
Bees play a crucial role in plant pollination. They transport pollen from one flower to another, leading to fertilization and production of seeds. This pollination process is essential for the reproduction of many plant species, including crops and wildflowers.
There are various bee species on the Red List whose bees are on the Red List because their populations have declined due to habitat loss, pesticide use, disease, parasites and other factors. These threats threaten the survival of many bee species and have contributed to their decline. Stocks are threatened or are at risk of extinction. These include some wild bee species and honey bee subspecies.
Bees are on the Red List because their populations have declined due to habitat loss, pesticide use, disease, parasites and other factors. These threats threaten the survival of many bee species and have contributed to their decline.
It is important not to kill bees, but to contact a beekeeper or professional exterminator to properly remove and relocate them, especially if they are in a location that is dangerous to humans and animals.
The number of bees in a swarm can vary depending on the size and stage of development of the swarm, but there can be thousands of bees in a swarm, sometimes even tens of thousands.
Bees are distributed throughout the world and live in a variety of habitats including forests, grasslands, mountains, tropical rainforests and even urban environments.
Bees use the famous waggle dance to communicate the location and quality of a food source to other bees in the hive. Through dance direction and intensity, they convey distance and direction to the food source.
Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which account for much of our food production. Without bees, many plants would not be pollinated, leading to a drastic decline in crop yields and a significant depletion of our food supply.
When it gets cold, bees form a winter cluster in the hive, moving closely together to generate heat. This collective heat allows them to maintain the temperature inside the hive at a constant level to survive the overwintering process.
Bees are crucial for pollinating plants, including many crops. Without their pollination services, many plants would not fruit, which could result in numerous food shortages that would severely impact the ecosystem and food supply.
There is no set number of flowers that bees need in a particular area. The amount of food sources depends on various factors, including the size of the hive, the available food supply and the time of year. However, a diverse selection of flowers and plants helps to improve the food supply for bees.
In Ranch Simulator you can find bees near flower fields, in forests or near bodies of water. They are often found in specific locations, such as beehives or beehives.
To attract bees to the garden, you can grow bee-friendly plants, such as lavender, sunflowers, thyme and borage, and set up nesting aids such as bee hotels.
To get bees into a hive, you can capture a swarm or purchase a colony from a beekeeper and relocate them to the hive.
Without bees, our world would be greatly impoverished, as they carry out much of the pollination of crops, which is essential for food production and the maintenance of ecosystems.
Bees need enough winter food supplies, typically between 15 and 25 kg of honey, to feed their population and survive the winter.
Humans are heavily dependent on bees because they do much of the pollination of crops, which are essential for nutrition and the maintenance of ecosystems.
The number of bees in a hive can vary depending on the size of the colony and the bee breed, but typically there are thousands of bees in a colony.
The income that can be earned from bees depends on various factors, including the number of bee colonies, crop yields, the price of honey and additional products such as beeswax and propolis.
The patron saint of bees and beekeepers is St. Ambrose of Milan.
The patron saint of bees and beekeepers is Saint Urban of Langres.
Dreams about bees can have different meanings, they are often associated with hard work, order, community and nature.
Bees die after stinging because they lose their stinger and part of their abdomen, resulting in their death.
In recent years, more and more bees have been dying due to various factors such as loss of habitat, use of pesticides, diseases and parasites.
Bees look for holes on the balcony to find potential nesting sites that can provide them with shelter.
A bee drone lives around 40 to 50 days.
The number of bees that can live in a hive depends on various factors, including the size of the hive and the breed of bee, but typically there are thousands of bees in a colony.
Swarming of bees can be prevented by regularly checking and expanding the hive in a timely manner and by cutting swarm cells.
Depending on size and time of year, between 10,000 and 80,000 bees live in a beehive.
If you are being chased by bees, it is advisable to remain calm and move away from the bees slowly and without making any frantic movements. You should try to go indoors or under cover.
Bees play an important role in sustainability as they are essential pollinators for many plant species, helping to maintain ecosystems and biodiversity.
If there were no bees, this would lead to a dramatic decline in pollination of crops, which could lead to a decline in crop yields and food shortages.
Depending on size and time of year, a bee colony can contain between 10,000 and 80,000 bees.
It is difficult to say which country has the most bees because bees are distributed all over the world. However, the number of bees varies depending on climate, vegetation and human activities.
Plants like lavender, sunflowers, borage, clover and butterfly lilac are good for bees and butterflies.
If you are allergic to bees, you should consult a doctor who can recommend appropriate treatment options. It is important to take precautionary measures to avoid stings.
If you are allergic to bees, a bee sting can trigger an allergic reaction that can range from mild symptoms to life-threatening reactions.
Bees often come into homes when they are looking for food or a new place to nest. Open windows or doors can provide access for them.
The topic of bees is important for children because it educates them about the importance of bees to nature, food production and the environment and raises their awareness about the protection and conservation of bees.
Bees can usually be treated with formic acid twice a year, in spring and late summer, to combat the Varroa mite.
Bees die in the production of almond milk because they are used to pollinate almond trees and can come into contact with pesticides.
Plants like lavender, sunflowers, borage, clover and butterfly lilac are good for bees and butterflies.
Various preventative measures can be taken against bees in the garden, such as removing potential nesting sites, avoiding open food outdoors and setting up bee traps in strategic locations.
Plants such as lavender, sunflowers, borage, clover and butterfly lilac are good for bees and insects because they are rich in nectar and pollen and provide a continuous source of food.
If there are fewer and fewer bees, this could lead to a decline in pollination of crops, which could lead to a decline in crop yields and food shortages, as many plants need to be pollinated by bees to bear fruit.
To attract bees to an insect house, one can place various materials such as wooden blocks, bamboo tubes, reeds and straw in the insect house, which serve as nesting places for different species of insects.
Depending on size and time of year, between 10,000 and 80,000 bees can live in a hive, with the maximum number depending on factors such as bee breed, hive size and environment.
Dreams about bees can have different meanings; they are often associated with hard work, community, order and closeness to nature.
If there were no more bees, this would lead to a dramatic decline in pollination of crops, which could lead to a decline in crop yields and food shortages.
Swarming of bees can be prevented by regular inspection of the hive, timely expansion of the hive, removal of swarm cells and use of queen mating screens.
Without bees, many products would no longer exist, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, honey, beeswax, propolis and some medical products based on bee products.
There are various measures you can take in the garden to support bees, such as growing bee-friendly plants, setting up insect hotels, and avoiding pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
Bees can be treated with oxalic acid twice a year, typically in spring and late summer, to combat the Varroa mite.
The exact number of bees in Germany in 2022 is difficult to determine as it depends on various factors such as weather conditions, beekeeping practices and environmental conditions.
To prevent the extinction of bees, various measures can be taken, such as protecting habitats, reducing the use of pesticides, promoting bee-friendly plants and supporting beekeepers.
Bees can sting without losing their stinger, unlike honey bees, which lose their stinger after stinging and then die.
The main difference between bees and hornets lies in their size, appearance, behavior and lifestyle. Hornets are larger and more aggressive than bees, have smooth bodies and build their nests from plant materials, while bees are smaller, have hairy bodies and build honeycombs from wax.
No, bee stings can be painful and cause allergic reactions in some people. However, bee stings also serve as a defense mechanism for bees against threats.
The exact number of bees in the world is difficult to determine because they live in many different ecosystems and bee colonies. However, it is estimated that there are several billion bees worldwide.
Without bees, there would be a significant decline in pollination of plants, leading to a dramatic decline in food production and an imbalance in ecosystems. Many plant species and agricultural products rely on pollination by bees.
In cold weather, bees gather in a winter cluster to keep the queen and themselves warm. They shiver to generate heat and take turns to protect the outside bees inside the cluster.
Bees live on every continent except Antarctica. Even in extreme climates such as the Arctic and desert regions, there are specialized bee species.
Bees and bumblebees both belong to the family Apidae, but have some differences. Bumblebees are generally larger and furrier than bees. They often build their nests underground, while honey bees usually build their nests in tree cavities or artificial hives.
Bees and wasps belong to different families and have different lifestyles. Bees are pollinators and feed on nectar and pollen, while wasps are often carnivores and are predators. Wasps have smooth bodies and thinner waists compared to bees, which are hairy and have thicker waists.
The number of bees in a colony can vary greatly, but typically there are between 20,000 and 60,000 bees in a colony in the summer.
Depending on the size of the honeycomb and the bee population, between a few hundred and several thousand bees can sit on a Dadant honeycomb.
Bees are called social insects because they live in large communities, work cooperatively to feed and protect their colony, and use complex communication systems to interact with each other.
The extinction of bees can be prevented through various measures, including promoting habitats where bees can find food and nest, reducing the use of pesticides and controlling diseases and parasites.
The extinction of bees can be avoided by implementing protective measures such as preserving habitats, reducing the use of pesticides and supporting bee colonies through beekeeping.
The number of bees in a hive can vary depending on the species, size and health of the colony, but typically there are thousands of bees in a healthy colony.
To attract more bees to the garden, bee troughs, bee-friendly plants and nesting aids for wild bees can be used.
In the garden, you can care for bees by growing bee-friendly plants that are rich in nectar and pollen, not using pesticides, and creating nesting opportunities for wild bees.
The pope who had three bees in his coat of arms was Urban VIII (pontificate from 1623 to 1644).
To help bees, you can grow bee-friendly plants in your garden, avoid using pesticides, set up insect hotels, provide natural water sources, and educate yourself on bee-related issues to make more conscious decisions.
Bees might lie on the ground if they are exhausted, injured or sick. In such cases, it is important to carefully pick them up and move them to a safe place or ask a beekeeper for help.
The amount of nectar that bees can collect in a day depends on several factors, including the weather, the availability of food sources, and the size of the colony. In ideal conditions, bees can collect several kilograms of nectar per day.
To help bees at the pond, one can make sure there are floating objects for bees to land and rest on, and make sure the riparian area is accessible so bees can easily collect water without drowning.
In order to keep bees, one must thoroughly learn about beekeeping, acquire a suitable hive, purchase or capture bee colonies, carry out regular inspections, monitor the health of the bees and ensure suitable living conditions.
In May you take care of the bee colonies by preparing them for the summer season, checking them to make sure there is enough space and providing them with additional food if necessary.
In February you take care of the bee colonies by preparing them for spring by cleaning the hive, inspecting the bee colony and checking for diseases and supporting them with food if necessary.
In August you can still make bee nucs under certain conditions, depending on the weather conditions, the availability of brood and the strength of the bee colony.
To save bees, you can work to protect their habitats, promote bee-friendly plants, reduce the use of pesticides and support local beekeepers.
You should place your bees in a suitable location, Over the course of their lives, bees have various tasks, including cleaning the cells, brood care, foraging, building honeycombs, defending the hive and caring for the queen, providing enough sunlight, protection from strong winds and access to water and provides food. It is important to also pay attention to local regulations and laws.
Throughout their lives, bees have various tasks, including cleaning cells, brood care, foraging, building honeycomb, defending the hive, and caring for the queen.
If you are stung by a bee or wasp, you should remove the stinger, clean the sting site, apply cooling compresses and seek medical help if necessary, especially if you are allergic to bee stings.
Bees need to be cared for regularly by monitoring their health, cleaning the hive, checking the combs, treating diseases and ensuring there is enough food.
When it comes to bees in your home, you should be careful not to hurt them and catch them with a glass and a piece of paper to take them outside. It is advisable to identify the source of the bee problem and resolve it to prevent further intruders.
In the garden, you can take various measures to help bees, such as planting bee-friendly flowers and plants, providing water troughs, creating nesting sites and avoiding the use of pesticides.
Bees and butterflies especially like flowers with a rich source of nectar and pollen. Some popular flowers for bees and butterflies include lavender, sunflowers, phacelia, bluebells, cornflowers, borage and thyme.
The difference between a bee and a wasp sting lies in the different venoms and the body's reactions to them. Bees leave their stinger in the skin, which leads to subsequent separation of the abdomen and death of the bee. Wasp stings, on the other hand, can sting multiple times in a row because their stinger is smooth and does not get stuck in the skin.
To help bees, you can plant bee-friendly flowers and plants, avoid pesticides, create bee-friendly habitats, provide bee troughs, and educate yourself about bee health and protection.
To keep bees, you need basic equipment such as a beehive, honeycombs, protective clothing (beekeeping suit and gloves), beekeeping tools (smoker, hive chisel, bee broom) and appropriate knowledge of beekeeping.
Bees pollinate a variety of fruits and vegetables, including apples, pears, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and many others.
The time it takes bees to develop a center wall can vary depending on the conditions in the hive, including the amount of food available and the workload of the bees. However, it usually takes a few days to a week for the bees to develop a central wall into a complete honeycomb.
To keep bees you need hives, bee colonies, protective clothing such as a beekeeping suit and tools such as smokers and bee brushes. Knowledge about the care of bees and their needs as well as a suitable location are also important.
To keep bees, beekeepers must regularly check their colonies to ensure their health, provide the bees with enough food, keep the hive clean, and harvest honey when it is ripe.
Without bees, pollination of many plant species would be at risk, which could lead to a decline in food production and ecological imbalance.
To keep bees, you need basic knowledge of beekeeping, suitable equipment such as beehives and regular bee care.
To protect bees, you can grow bee-friendly plants, avoid pesticides, create habitats and support beekeeping.
You can help protect bees by promoting bee-friendly practices, reducing pesticide use, and creating habitats for bees.
You can protect bees by preserving habitats, growing bee-friendly plants, reducing pesticide use and supporting beekeeping.
In February, the hives are prepared for spring, the food supply is checked, the bee population is monitored and the bees are protected from the cold.
In March you look after the bee colonies, monitor their development and prepare them for spring, for example by treating the Varroa mites and providing the bees with sufficient food.
Now in spring it is important to check the bee colonies, look after them and prepare them for the coming season, for example by checking the colonies for diseases and feeding them if necessary.
Bees cannot fly at night because it is dark and they have to orient themselves using visual landmarks such as flowers and plants that they can only see in daylight.
Trees and shrubs such as fruit trees, chestnuts, willows, lavender, thyme and rosemary are good for bees as they are rich in nectar and pollen and are an important source of food for them.
There are several reasons why there might be fewer bees in a year, including adverse weather conditions, disease, and human loss of habitat and food sources.
The frequency with which you should check on bees depends on various factors, such as the time of year, the weather and the health of the colony. In general, however, you should check them regularly, especially during active seasons.
The number of bees in a colony can vary depending on the species and size of the colony, but typically there are tens of thousands of bees in a well-developed colony.
If you are allergic to bees, a sting can cause an allergic reaction that can range from mild discomfort to life-threatening situations. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock may occur, requiring immediate medical attention.
Depending on the size and activity of the colonies, thousands to tens of thousands of bees can live in 12 bee colonies, depending on how well developed the colonies are.
There are usually still bees around, but there may be fewer bees in a given year due to factors such as adverse weather conditions, disease, or loss of habitat and food sources.
Plants such as lavender, sunflowers, phacelia, borage, cornflowers and marigolds are good for bees and bumblebees as they are rich in nectar and pollen and are an important source of food.
When bees are no longer able to fly, there can be a variety of reasons, including adverse weather conditions, illness, or injury. In such cases, it is important to care for the bees and seek veterinary help if necessary.
There are several reasons why there might be fewer bees in a given year, including adverse weather conditions, disease, loss of habitat and food sources, and other environmental factors.
In spring you can still plant many bee-friendly plants such as fruit trees, herbs, wildflowers and perennials to provide the bees with enough food and habitat.
The number of bees needed to produce a jar of honey can vary depending on the size of the jar and the method of production, but typically thousands of bees fly many kilometers to collect enough nectar to produce honey.
If you are attacked by bees, you should remain calm and slowly move away from the area where the bees are without flailing wildly. Fast movements can make bees more aggressive. It is important not to run as this may further anger the bees.
Without bees, many products would no longer exist, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, some oils, herbs and spices, as well as various textiles and materials such as cotton and linen, which depend on plants pollinated by bees.
Turtles and bees show us how lightweight construction is implemented in nature. Both use efficient materials and construction to optimally adapt to their environment and achieve their goals, be it through the structure of their shells or through the construction of honeycombs and nests.
The flight range of bees varies depending on the species and environment, but in general bees can fly up to several kilometers from their hive to forage for food.
The main difference between bees and wasp nests is the type of insects they house. Bees are peaceful pollinators that produce honey, while wasps are typically predatory insects that do not produce honey.
Male bees, also called drones, are larger and wider than female bees, and their eyes touch on the top of their heads, while female bees, including the queen and workers, have their eyes wider apart.
When swarming, a queen and part of the colony leave the hive to find a new location. The bees accompanying the swarm leave their old hive and form a large group that hovers in the air before settling in a new location.
To save bees, various measures can be taken, such as planting bee-friendly plants in gardens and public areas, providing food and habitat to bee colonies, reducing the use of pesticides and setting up bee hotels.
To prevent bee deaths, measures can be taken to protect and improve bee habitat and food sources, reduce pesticide use, and increase awareness of the importance of bees.
Various measures can be taken to combat bees in the garden, such as removing potential nesting sites, sealing access points, setting up bee traps and planting insect-repellent plants.
Bees pass information about food sources to each other by performing a dance called the waggle dance or round dance, which tells other bees the direction and distance to the food source.
In bees, drones usually die after mating or when food becomes scarce, as they are primarily responsible for reproduction and are cared for by the workers in the hive.
There may be fewer bees in China due to various factors such as pesticide use, loss of habitat and food sources due to agriculture, and environmental pollution.
Balcony plants that are good for bees and bumblebees include lavender, rosemary, thyme, sage, sunflowers, borage, nasturtiums and various types of herbs and wildflowers.
To protect bees, measures can be taken such as planting bee-friendly plants, reducing the use of pesticides, creating habitats such as bee hotels, and raising awareness about the importance of bees. When bees are aggressive, it is important to remain calm to stay and slowly move away from them without thrashing or running wildly. Fast movements can further irritate the bees. It is advisable to leave the area and go indoors if possible.
When bees are aggressive, it is important to remain calm and slowly move away from them without flailing or running wildly. Fast movements can further irritate the bees. It is advisable to leave the area and go indoors if possible.
Depending on the size and type of colony, there are typically between 20,000 and 80,000 bees in a bee colony.
Bees can no longer sting after they die because the stinging apparatus is connected to the muscles of the living bee and no longer functions after death.
The health of bees can be affected by a variety of factors, including pesticide use, loss of habitat and food sources, diseases and parasites such as the Varroa mite, as well as pollution and climate change. The exact number of bees in the world is difficult to determine, but It is estimated that there are several billion bees in thousands of species worldwide.
The exact number of bees in the world is difficult to determine, but it is estimated that there are several billion bees in thousands of species worldwide.
In July it is still possible to make bee nucs, but this depends on various factors such as the strength of the colony, the availability of queens and local climatic conditions.
Depending on the circumstances, bees from a display box can be relocated back to a hive or other suitable apiary or taken over by a beekeeper.
If there are bees in the home, you should try to ventilate the room and close the windows to prevent more bees from entering. Then you can try to carefully capture the bees with a glass and a piece of paper and bring them outside.
The entry of bees into the home can occur for various reasons, including the search for food or a suitable place for a new nest. Open windows or doors can allow bees to enter the home.
Karl von Frisch, an Austrian zoologist, conducted pioneering research into the language and behavior of bees, particularly the bee dance, which bees use to communicate the direction and distance to food sources to other bees.
To get rid of bees on the balcony, you should try to limit their access by sealing cracks and crevices and using bee repellents. In addition, placing bee-friendly plants outside the balcony can help the bees prefer to visit other places.
If one is allergic to bees, it is important to seek medical help immediately, especially if a severe allergic reaction such as anaphylaxis occurs, which can be life-threatening.
When bees move their rear ends, it could indicate a variety of things, including defending the hive, communicating with other bees, or collecting nectar and pollen.
Bees often fly several kilometers to collect nectar, but the exact distance depends on various factors, including the availability of food sources and the strength of the bee colony.
During cold weather, bees may remain in their hive and huddle together closely to keep the queen and brood warm. They may also limit their flying activities and focus on supplies in the hive to survive.
Bees overwinter in their hives, where they huddle closely together to keep the queen and brood warm. During this time, they use up the stored supplies of honey. Bees may swarm when the hive is crowded and conditions are favorable, usually in spring or early summer. Swarming is a natural reproductive process in which part of the bee colony sets off with the old queen to found a new hive.
There are different types of boxes for bees, including magazine hives, dadant hives, pike-perch hives and long straw hives. There are no special boxes for ants, but you can provide nesting aids or boxes for certain species of ants.
Bees normally fly at temperatures above 12-15 degrees Celsius. They need heat to warm up and activate their flight muscles.
Bees do not have a cardiovascular system like vertebrates with blood, but rather an open circulatory system that transports hemolymph, a type of body fluid.
Depending on the season and the size of the colony, an average beehive can contain between 20,000 and 80,000 bees.
According to NABU, anyone who wants to support wild bees with nesting aids should ensure that the nesting aids offer different nesting options for different species, are made of natural materials and are set up in a sunny, dry place.
If there were no more bees, this could lead to a significant decline in pollination of crops, which would affect food production and lead to the loss of many plant species.
To find out if you are allergic to bees, you should have an allergy test, where a doctor can use skin tests or blood tests to detect allergic reactions to bee stings.
The main difference between male (drone) and female (worker and queen) bees lies in their function in the hive. Drones have no stingers and are responsible for reproduction, while the workers do most of the work in the hive and the queen is responsible for laying eggs.
In recent years, the number of bees worldwide has declined due to various factors such as pesticide use, habitat loss, diseases and parasites, climate change and pollution.
The exact number of bees in the world is difficult to determine, but it is estimated that there are several billion bees in thousands of species worldwide.
To determine whether you are allergic to bees, you can have an allergy test, where a doctor can detect allergic reactions to bee stings.
If there were no more bees, it would lead to a significant decline in pollination of plants, which would affect food production and lead to the loss of many plant species.
A bee sting usually hurts more than a wasp sting because the bee's stinger is connected to a venom sac that injects the venom into the skin. However, wasp stings can be more painful if multiple wasps sting at the same time.
People have learned from bees, among other things, the concept of teamwork, efficient communication methods such as the bee dance, the importance of pollination for the plant world and the use of honey as food.
The paperback “The Swarming of a Thousand Bees” will be published in March 2024.
In May, beekeepers can prepare colonies for spring by checking queen development, setting up the honey chamber and conducting swarm control.
A bee sting can be painful for cats, but it is usually not life-threatening unless the cat is allergic to the bee venom.
In summer, a bee colony can contain between 20,000 and 80,000 bees, depending on size and conditions.
In March, beekeepers can prepare their colonies for spring by inspecting the colonies to ensure they have enough food and they can begin treatment for Varroa mites.
There are estimated to be several billion bees around the world, spread across thousands of species.
To find out whether you are allergic to bees, you should have an allergy test, where a doctor can detect allergic reactions to bee stings.
To determine whether you are allergic to bees, you can have an allergy test done by your doctor, which may include skin tests or blood tests.
Bees can see ultraviolet light, which is invisible to us. They use this to recognize flowers, as flowers often have patterns that are visible in the ultraviolet range.
To prevent bee extinction, measures can be taken to protect habitats, reduce pesticide use, improve agricultural practices, and increase awareness of the importance of bees.
After mating, honey bee drones usually die because their only role is to mate with the queen.
To find out if you are allergic to bees, you can have an allergy test done by your doctor, which may include skin tests or blood tests.
To get the bees into the honey room quickly, you can use various techniques, such as using barriers or luring the bees into the honey room with food.
When bees go to rest, they gather around the queen in the hive and form a cluster to retain warmth and protect themselves.
The time it takes bees to fly in depends on a variety of factors, including the distance of nectar from their hive, availability of food, and weather conditions.
White clover is often visited by bees because it is rich in nectar and pollen, which is an important source of food for bees.
The exact distance a hive must be from its nearest neighbor may vary depending on local laws, regulations, or agreements. However, in many cases it is recommended that beehives should be at least 10 to 20 meters away from the boundaries of neighboring property.
In April, beekeepers have to prepare their hives for spring. This includes, among other things, checking the food supply, setting up honey chambers or expanding the brood chamber, checking for diseases and parasites, and, if necessary, intervening with treatments.
You can find out if you are allergic to bees by taking an allergy test. This can be carried out by a doctor and often includes skin tests or blood tests to detect allergic reactions to bee venom.
Bees pollinate around 80% of the world's cultivated plant species. This shows the enormous importance of bees for pollination and reproduction of many plants, including a variety of crops.
If there were no more bees, it would have a serious impact on global food production, as many crops rely on pollination by bees. It would lead to a dramatic decline in crop yields and reduced food diversity.
The time it takes bees to build a honeycomb can vary depending on various factors such as the availability of nectar and pollen, the size of the hive and the workload of the bees. However, it usually takes a few days to a few weeks for a honeycomb to be completed.
You can help bees by growing bee-friendly plants and avoiding the use of pesticides.
An allergy to bee stings can manifest itself through symptoms such as rash, swelling and difficulty breathing after a sting. An allergy test by a doctor can provide an accurate diagnosis.
To keep bees away from your balcony, you can avoid fragrant plants that attract bees and cover open food sources. Setting up bee deterrent devices such as fly screens or nets can also be helpful.
You can be allergic to bees if you experience severe allergic reactions after a bee sting, such as severe swelling, hives, difficulty breathing, dizziness, or anaphylaxis.
To find out if you are allergic to bees, you can do an allergy test in which the doctor tests for various allergens, including bee venom.
To help bees, you can plant bee-friendly plants, avoid using pesticides, provide nesting opportunities such as insect hotels, and support local beekeepers.
Bees have existed on Earth for around 100 million years.
Bees do not die when they sting a wasp because the bee's stinger is attached to part of its body and is torn out when it stings, resulting in the bee's death. Wasps, on the other hand, can sting multiple times because their stinger is smooth and does not tear out.
You can be allergic to bees if you experience severe allergic reactions after a bee sting, such as severe swelling, hives, difficulty breathing, dizziness, or anaphylaxis.
In summer, a bee colony can contain tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of bees, depending on size and condition.
Without bees, many products would no longer exist, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and other crops. Certain clothing materials such as cotton, cosmetics, medicines and honey would also not be available.
To find out if you are allergic to bees, you can have an allergy test, in which the doctor tests for various allergens, including bee venom. The reactions to previous stings can also be observed.
The time it takes bees to build a hive varies depending on the species, size of the colony and the resources available. It can take a few weeks to months for a bee colony to completely build up a hive.
In summer, depending on size and condition, a bee colony has tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of bees living in the hive.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction to bee stings can include redness, swelling, itching, hives, difficulty breathing, dizziness, or even anaphylaxis. If such symptoms occur, it is important to seek medical help.
To keep bees away from your patio, you can avoid fragrant plants that attract bees and cover food sources such as open drink containers. Unscented insect repellents or essential oils can also be used to repel bees.
Bee nucs can usually be treated with lactic acid until the end of June to combat Varroa mites. This may vary depending on climatic conditions and region.
To determine whether you are allergic to bees, you should have an allergy test done. This can be done by your family doctor or allergist.
Dreams about bees can have different meanings and often depend on cultural, personal and spiritual beliefs. In Islam, dreams about bees can be interpreted as a symbol of hard work, community and divine guidance.
In June, beekeepers should continue to check colonies for Varroa mites, prepare for honey harvest, and ensure that bees have enough space in the hive.
Bee propolis tincture can be used topically in dogs to treat skin problems by rubbing the affected areas with the tincture or using the tincture diluted as a spray.
It is estimated that about 80% of crops and wild plants rely on bees to pollinate and reproduce.
To find out whether you are allergic to bees, you should have an allergy test done by your doctor. Various methods such as skin tests or blood tests can be used.
If there were no more bees, it would have serious consequences for ecosystems and agriculture. Many plant species, including crops, would rely on pollination by bees and would no longer be able to grow or reproduce properly.
A plant that is visited little or not at all by bees is, for example, the spruce. Because spruce trees are generally pollinated by wind, they do not rely heavily on pollinators such as bees.
If there were no bees in the world, pollination of many plant species would be severely affected, which could lead to a decline in plant diversity, crop failures and a domino effect on entire ecosystems.
As a bee keeper, certain documents must be kept, including the animal health certificate of origin (TRACES), the bee passport, the inventory register and, if necessary, proof of participation in training or courses on beekeeping.
To determine whether you are allergic to bees, you should have an allergy test done. This can be done by your family doctor or allergist using skin tests or blood tests.
A bee colony can return to its old state if it is strong enough to look after itself and has enough supplies for the winter. This depends on various factors such as the size of the offshoot, the availability of food and the climatic conditions.
In August, beekeepers must continue to check colonies for Varroa mites, harvest honey, prepare colonies for winter, and ensure that bees have enough space in the hive.
Yes, it is generally legal to keep bees in residential areas in the UK, provided certain guidelines and regulations are adhered to. This may vary depending on local regulations and municipal laws.
The only continent where bees do not occur natively is Antarctica. Due to the extreme cold and the lack of plants, there are no bees there.
The book “The Swarming of a Thousand Bees” in paperback is already available. The exact availability may vary depending on the publisher and region.
In the winter cluster, the heat they generate allows bees to maintain a temperature of around 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, even when the ambient temperature is significantly lower.
Beekeepers use smoke to calm bees and stop them from stinging. The smoke disrupts the bees' communication with each other and signals to them that a fire may be imminent, causing them to stock up on honey and stay quiet.
To find out whether you are allergic to bees, an allergy test can be carried out. This can be done by a doctor or allergist using skin tests or blood tests.
To determine whether you are allergic to bees, you should have an allergy test done. This can be done by your family doctor or allergist using skin tests or blood tests.
The speed at which you realize whether you are allergic to bees can vary. In the case of an allergic reaction, symptoms can appear within a few minutes, especially for more severe reactions such as difficulty breathing or anaphylaxis. For less severe reactions such as redness or itching, the reaction time may vary.
Bees are extremely important to us humans because, as pollinators, they make a crucial contribution to maintaining ecosystems and producing food. About a third of our food depends directly or indirectly on pollination by bees.
Being stung by bees in a dream can have different meanings depending on the context. It could indicate feeling threatened or attacked by something, but it can also symbolize hard work, organization or communication, as bees are often associated with these qualities.
When bees can no longer fly, it can indicate various problems, such as disease, weather conditions or pesticides. To help them, you can make sure they have access to food and water and consult a beekeeper or expert if necessary.
The phenomenon in which bees completely abandon their hive is called a swarm. Swarms occur when a new queen matures and the old queen leaves the hive with some of the worker bees to start a new colony.
The best time to create an offshoot of bees depends on various factors such as the strength of the original colony, the availability of food and the weather. In general, spring is a favorable time for the reproduction of bee colonies.
The movie you're describing could be "My Girl." In this film, a boy is stung by bees and suffers an allergic reaction that results in his death.