FAQ: Frequently asked questions about bees
You have bees in your garden, house or apartment? Call us - we will come to you and solve the problem!
Frequently asked questions about bees & relocating bees
Here you ll find answers at a glance to some of the most important questions that our customers ask us time and again. If you need advice, please give us a call or arrange a personal appointment for professional bee relocation.
The nest of wild bees can look different depending on the species and lifestyle, but it often consists of a collection of nesting tunnels built in the ground, in wood or in plant stems.
The nests of wild bees vary, but are often found in natural cavities or in the ground.
Plants such as clover, cornflower and lavender are particularly valuable for wild bees.
The exact number of wild bees in Austria is not known.
Some wild bee species are on the Red List, but the exact number varies.
There are thousands of species of wild bees worldwide.
Wild bees can be attracted to the garden by offering nesting places such as wild bee hotels.
There are various species of wild bees in Schleswig-Holstein, including the common fur bee and the red mason bee.
The depth of wild bee tubes varies depending on the species, but typically they are a few centimeters to half a meter deep.
The time it takes wild bee larvae to hatch depends on the species and environmental conditions, but can take several weeks to months.
Depending on the species and life cycle, wild bees stay in their nest for a few weeks to months.
Some species of wild bees are threatened with extinction, but the exact number varies by region and species.
The length of nesting tubes for wild bees depends on the species, but they can range from a few millimeters to several centimeters long.
There are hundreds of species of wild bees in Europe.
To attract wild bees to the garden, you can grow flowering plants and provide nesting sites such as wild bee hotels.
There were no bees in 2022 because the question is not specific enough to give an exact answer.
Varroa treatment in bees is typically carried out in late summer or autumn to reduce exposure to the Varroa mite when bee colonies have fewer brood.
Bees are unique pollinators and cannot be completely replaced by other pollinators, although other insects such as bumblebees and butterflies can also provide pollination services.
Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which in turn is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and producing food.
Yes, in a beehive the worker bees are female.
Bees secrete scents during flight to communicate with their conspecifics, find food or mark the way to the hive.
Many plants, especially crops such as fruit and vegetable plants, would not grow or produce fruit without pollination by bees.
Coneflower (Echinacea) is a popular plant for bees because it produces abundant nectar and is easy to access.
Climbing roses like the wild rose (Rosa canina) are a good choice for bees because they produce abundant nectar and pollen and often bloom for a long time.
The status of bee populations varies depending on region and environmental conditions. In some areas they are threatened, while in others they are more stable.
Bees collect nectar with their proboscis and store it in their honey stomach. When they return to the hive, they pass the nectar to other bees, who then process it and turn it into honey.
Bees produce a buzzing sound by moving their wings quickly. This buzz can vary depending on the activity of the bees.
Bees hum when they fly or communicate. If bees are not buzzing, they could be resting or inactive.
Bees belong to the family Apidae and the order Hymenoptera.
Bees like flowers because they collect nectar and pollen for nutrition. The flowers also provide shelter and habitat for bees.
Flowers require bees to pollinate them so that they can reproduce successfully. Pollination by bees leads to the formation of fruits and seeds, which is crucial for plant reproduction.
Bees need flowers to collect nectar and pollen, which are their main source of food. Without flowers, bees would not have enough food and could not survive.
Bees visit flowers to collect nectar and pollen. Nectar serves as a source of energy, while pollen provides protein and other nutrients.
Bees can eat powdered sugar, but powdered sugar is not a natural food source for bees and should not be used as a substitute for nectar or honey.
Bees communicate with each other primarily through dance language and scents to exchange information about food sources and the location of the hive.
Bees communicate with each other through dance language (e.g. waggle dance), scents (pheromones), and physical touch to convey information about food sources, nest locations, and other important aspects of bee life.
Bees are generally not deadly to humans unless someone is allergic to bee venom. For allergic people, a bee sting can be life-threatening.
Various bird species such as woodpeckers, starlings and flycatchers may occasionally eat bees, especially when they are looking for protein.
Climbing plants such as honeysuckle (Lonicera) or clematis are popular with bees because they produce abundant nectar and pollen and often have many flowers.
Bees usually fly during the day when the weather is warm and sunny. In the evening, when it gets cooler or it gets dark, the bees return to the hive and rest.
Hedge plants such as privet, hawthorn and wild roses are attractive to bees because they produce abundant flowers and often bloom for a long period of time.
Hedgerows with flowering plants that produce abundant nectar and pollen are ideal for bees. These include hedges made from native flowering bushes such as blackthorn, hawthorn and cornelian cherry.
Bees begin foraging in spring as soon as temperatures rise sufficiently and flowers are available. They collect nectar and pollen to feed the hive and raise brood.
Bee feeding times may vary depending on region and weather conditions. In 2022, bees typically feed in the spring and summer when flowers bloom and food is available.
Bees die for a variety of reasons, including disease, parasites such as the Varroa mite, pesticide use, habitat loss and climate change. These factors, individually or in combination, can influence bee mortality.
Bluebells such as the peach-leaved bluebell (Campanula persicifolia) or the giant bluebell (Campanula latifolia) are attractive to bees because of their abundant nectar production and their bell-shaped flowers that are easily accessible.
Bees pollinate a large proportion of flowering plants, which accounts for about a third of our food crops.
Yes, bees have four legs.
Bees particularly like the garden hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) because its flowers produce abundant nectar and pollen.
Drone bees emerge from unfertilized eggs laid by the queen.
Yes, bees can be relocated by carefully transferring the hive to a new hive or hive.
Yes, bees can become aggressive, especially if they feel threatened or their hive is being attacked.
Bees can become aggressive if they are disturbed, feel threatened, or if their hive is attacked.
Bee larvae pupate after they have fully developed and are ready to pupate.
Queen bees lay eggs, which then hatch into larvae. These larvae are fed and cared for by the worker bees until they develop into adult bees.
Red bees is not a specific name for a species of bee. However, there are different species of bees with different color variations, but none that are commonly known as "red bees".
Bees are generally not dangerous unless they feel threatened and defend their hive. The color of the bees has no influence on their danger.
The price for 1 kg of bees may vary depending on the type of bees and the regional market. In general, swarms or colonies of bees are not sold by weight, but rather as a whole.
Bees like different types of jasmine, but the common jasmine (Jasminum officinale) is particularly attractive to bees due to its abundant nectar.
Bee nectar is a sweet liquid produced by flowers and collected by bees to serve as food. It is the main source of energy for bees.
In general, bee colonies and offshoots are checked regularly by beekeepers, especially during the bee season in spring and summer, to check the condition of the colony and take action if necessary.
Bees communicate through the so-called waggle dance and round dance. Through various movements and directions of dance, they convey information about the distance and direction to a food source.
Bees like different varieties of marigolds, but the native varieties such as the "African marigold" (Tagetes erecta) and the "Mexican marigold" (Tagetes patula) are particularly popular.
It is controversial whether bees can feel pain because they do not have a central nervous system like mammals. However, they respond to certain stimuli and exhibit behaviors that may indicate discomfort.
It is recommended not to use scented candles against bees as they can be harmful to bees. Instead, natural sources of scent should be avoided so as not to disturb bees.
Bee eggs are laid by the queen bee in the cells of the hive. These eggs are then cared for and cared for by the worker bees until they hatch.
Bees are extremely hard-working insects and work all day long to collect food, look after the hive and look after the brood.
Bees live in specially constructed hives or bee boxes, which they use as a nesting place and habitat.
Yes, bees are considered very hard-working insects as they work tirelessly to collect food and maintain the hive.
Bees are generally not active at night and rest in the hive. They are mainly active during the day during warm and sunny hours.
Bees like to visit cherry laurel because of its abundant flowers, which are a good source of food for them.
New bees are created through the development of eggs laid by the queen bee. These eggs first hatch into larvae and then develop into adult bees.
Beekeepers can mark bees by applying paint markings to their bodies. This makes it easier to identify and track individual bees in the hive.
A good location for bees should be sunny, sheltered from the wind, and have plenty of flowering plants nearby that provide nectar and pollen.
Yes, bees have complex eyes and can see colors and shapes. However, they see the world differently than humans because their eyes are more sensitive to ultraviolet light.
Bees are generally not fed directly but have access to nectar and pollen in flowers. However, beekeepers can feed bee colonies sugar water to support them during times of scarce food sources.
Bees recognize each other through their sense of smell and physical characteristics such as size, color and wing structure.
Bees can see ultraviolet light, which is invisible to the human eye. They have enhanced color vision, which helps them find flowers and nectar sources.
The first spring inspection of bee colonies is usually carried out in March or April, when the weather warms up and the bees begin to become active.
Black bees live primarily in forests, meadows and other natural habitats. They often prefer caves or cavities as nesting sites.
Black bees are a name for various types of bees with dark body color. They play an important role in the pollination of plants and are important to the ecosystems in which they live.
The entrance hole of a beehive usually faces south or southeast to protect the bees from wind and weather while allowing sufficient sunlight.
Yes, bees can see the color blue because they have advanced color perception that includes ultraviolet light.
Bees can recognize different shapes, especially when they are looking for flowers or nesting sites. They use their eyes to identify shapes and orient themselves in their surroundings.
Bees have complex eyes made up of thousands of facets. These facets enable them to perceive movements and colors and to orient themselves in their surroundings.
It is not recommended to spray chemicals or insecticides against bees as this can be harmful to the bees and the environment. It is better to use alternative methods of bee deterrent if absolutely necessary.
Bees build honeycombs from wax that they secrete from their wax glands. They form the wax into hexagonal cells to store honey and pollen and to raise the brood.
A word that rhymes with "bees" is "bienchen."
Bees reproduce by swarming, in which a new queen grows up and leaves the old hive with part of the colony to found a new one.
Bees generally die at higher rates in the winter when temperatures drop and food sources become scarce. During this time, entire colonies of bees can die if they are not adequately prepared.
Bees pollinate a variety of trees, including fruit trees such as apple trees, cherry trees and pear trees, as well as deciduous trees such as linden trees, acacias and locust trees.
Mini bees have a stinger and can sting, although their stings are generally less painful than those of traditional honey bees.
A home remedy for bees is to keep them away from living spaces by installing fly screens or nets. However, it is important to respect bees and not harm them.
Bees feed primarily on nectar that they collect from flowering plants. They also use pollen as a source of protein for their brood.
Bees don't produce milk. They collect nectar and pollen to make honey and beebread, which serve as food for the hive.
Bees can transmit various diseases, including American foulbrood and European foulbrood, both of which are dangerous to bee colonies.
The weight of 1000 bees varies depending on the bee species, but they are generally believed to weigh around 1 kilogram.
Yes, rapeseed honey is collected by bees who collect the nectar from rapeseed flowers. It differs from other types of honey in taste and consistency.
Yes, male bees, also known as drones, can fly. Their main job is to mate with the queen.
Male bees, or drones, are often driven out of the hive or killed in the fall because they do not play a role in overwintering and consume resources in the winter.
A flowering hedge with plants such as privet, hawthorn and wild roses is ideal for bees as they produce abundant nectar and pollen.
Bees pollinate apple trees by collecting the nectar and pollen from apple flowers and transporting it between flowers, allowing fertilization and fruit formation.
Bees do not normally dig holes, but rather build their nests in hollow spaces such as tree hollows or in the ground.
Different species of bees can have black color variations. Some examples are the dark bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) and the red mason bee (Osmia bicornis).
The black color of bees often serves as camouflage, allowing them to hide in their surroundings and avoid predators.
Bees typically live in hives or hives, which they use as a nesting place and habitat. These can be found in nature, in beekeepers' hives or in specially built bee hotels.
Breeding material in bees refers to specially selected queen bees or drones used to breed bee colonies to promote desired traits such as gentleness, productivity and disease resistance.
Yes, bees can have diarrhea under certain conditions, for example from eating contaminated nectar or pollen or from diseases such as Nosema infection.
Swarming season in bees typically occurs in spring or early summer when bee colonies are large and overpopulated. The exact time may vary depending on the region and weather conditions.
Smoking bees with special smoking devices calms the bees and makes them less aggressive when the beekeeper opens the hive. It also helps drive away the bees so the beekeeper can work better.
Bees build play bowls as part of their natural behavior to promote the development of queen larvae, which can later become new queen bees.
Beekeepers often calm bees by gently smoking them with smokers or by spraying sugar water on the bees to keep them occupied and distracted.
Brood development in bees typically takes about 21 days for workers and drones and 24 days for queens, from egg laying to hatching.
Bees build honeycombs from wax secreted by their wax glands. They form the wax into hexagonal cells to store honey, pollen and brood.
The summer linden tree (Tilia platyphyllos) and the winter linden tree (Tilia cordata) are popular bee trees because their fragrant flowers produce abundant nectar.
Yes, in addition to their compound compound eyes, bees also have three small dot eyes called ocelli that help them detect light intensity and direction.
Bees can be insured through specialized beekeeping insurance policies that provide protection against losses due to theft, disease, natural disasters, and other risks.
Bees use clay to create mud walls in their hives. Any fine, loamy soil that is free of pollutants can be used by bees.
Bees prefer flowers with bright colors such as yellow, blue and purple because these colors attract them and they are often rich in nectar and pollen.
Bees need clean, standing water to drink. A shallow bowl of water or pond near the hive can quench their thirst.
Flower seeds for bees should contain a variety of flowers rich in nectar and pollen, such as sunflowers, borage, marigolds and cornflowers.
Bees like dandelions because its flowers are rich in nectar and pollen, which is an important source of food for bees, especially in spring when other flowers are scarce.
Bees build honeycombs from wax that they produce from their wax glands. They form the wax into hexagonal cells to store honey, pollen and brood.
Bees make cleaning flights to get rid of feces and other waste. This typically happens on warm, sunny days outside the hive.
Bees are important in the garden because they pollinate plants and therefore contribute to the production of fruits, vegetables and flowers. They contribute to the diversity and health of the garden.
Male bees, also known as drones, have the main task of mating the queen. They do not contribute to the collection of food or the care of the brood in the hive.
Formic acid is sometimes used by beekeepers to control the Varroa mite, a type of parasite that affects bees. However, the use of formic acid requires special knowledge and should be used with caution.
Meadow flowers that are attractive to bees include clover, yarrow, daisies, bluebells, daisies and various herbs such as thyme, lavender and sage.
A flower meadow for bees can contain a variety of flowering plants rich in nectar and pollen. These include sunflowers, cornflowers, marigolds, phacelia, clovers and many others.
Bees are not made up. This term is usually used metaphorically to describe the pollination of flowers by bees.
Yes, bees have four wings, two on each side of their body. These wings allow them to fly and maneuver in the air.
Bees are developed from fertilized eggs laid by the queen in the cells of the hive.
Queen bees mate with multiple drones during their nuptial flight. The ingested sperm are stored in a special organ in the queen's body and later used to fertilize the eggs.
Bees excrete wax, honey, pollen and propolis, among other things. These substances are produced in the hive and used for various purposes.
Bees provide various products such as honey, wax, pollen, royal jelly and propolis that can be used by humans.
The viburnum (Viburnum opulus) is a popular plant for bees because its fragrant flowers produce abundant nectar and pollen, making it an important food source for bees.
Yes, forest honey is collected by bees. It comes from nectar sources in forests and other natural habitats that provide a variety of flowers.
Depending on the season and weather conditions, bees now need plenty of food in the form of nectar and pollen to sustain themselves and provide for the hive.
In some areas, neighbors may restrict or prohibit the keeping of bees due to local laws or regulations. It is important to check local regulations before keeping bees.
Bees reproduce by breeding queens and drones. They do not give birth to "children" like mammals, but lay eggs from which larvae develop.
Bees are attracted to a variety of factors, including the scent and color of flowers, the nectar and pollen content of plants, and certain weather conditions such as warm, sunny weather.
Bees can swarm at different times of the day, but typically warm, sunny days are best for swarming.
Yes, bees have complex eyes and can see well, especially in terms of movement and colors. They also use other senses, such as smell, to orient themselves.
Bees have "children" when the queen lays eggs, which are cared for and cared for by the workers in the hive until they hatch and grow into adult bees.
Yes, bees are at risk worldwide due to various factors such as habitat loss, pesticide use, disease and climate change. Some species are particularly threatened.
Bees typically have striped bodies, wings, antennae, and wax glands that they use to produce wax for building honeycombs.
Bees are attracted to bright colors like yellow, blue and purple. It is recommended to wear light-colored, non-fluffy clothing when working with bees.
Bees are harmed by a variety of factors, including pesticide use, diseases such as the Varroa mite, lack of food, habitat loss and climate change.
Bees build honeycombs to store honey, pollen and brood. The honeycomb structure provides an efficient way to organize and store these resources in the hive.
Africanized bees, also known as "killer bees," can be more aggressive than other bee species and can attack in large swarms if they feel threatened. Their stings are no stronger than those of other bees, but the response to threats is more intense.
Yes, male bees, or drones, have a stinger but cannot sting. Their main function is to mate with the queen, so they do not have a protective mechanism like workers.
Bees are usually checked in the early morning or late evening when most bees are in the hive and temperatures are more comfortable.
A "bee app" is a mobile application that provides beekeepers and those interested in bees with information about beekeeping, the condition of bee colonies, weather data and much more.
Bees have complex compound eyes consisting of thousands of tiny individual eyes. Their eye color varies depending on the bee species, but can usually be dark brown or black.
Bees are characterized by their important role as pollinators of plants, the production of honey and other bee products, and their complex social structure in the hive.
Bees feed on nectar, which they collect from flowering plants, and pollen, which they use as a source of protein for the brood. In winter they feed on the supplies they have collected in the hive.
Yes, bees can sting to defend themselves. However, the sting is usually a last resort defense of the hive as the bee dies after the sting.
Bees drink regularly, especially while collecting nectar from flowers. They also need water to maintain their metabolism and cool the hive.
Solitary bee species, such as mason bees, live alone and not in large colonies like honey bees. Each individual bee digs or builds its own nest.
Bee stings can be painful and, in some cases, cause allergic reactions that can be life-threatening, especially in people with severe allergies to bee stings.
Bees are essential for survival because they play a key role in plant pollination, which is essential for maintaining ecosystems and producing food for humans and animals.
No, bees do not have a bony skeleton like mammals. Their bodies are surrounded by a flexible chitin shell that offers them stability and protection.
In general, bees should not be fed artificially unless there is an acute shortage of food sources, such as during long dry periods in the summer or late winter when supplies become scarce.
Yes, bees can be kept by humans, a practice known as beekeeping. Bee colonies are maintained in beehives or bee boxes in order to harvest honey and contribute to the pollination of plants.
Bees do not produce leaves. If you are talking about a specific behavior, I need more information.
Yes, bees have four wings, two on each side of their body. These wings allow them to fly and maneuver in the air.
Bees winterize in the fall by collecting their stores of honey and pollen in the hive and prepare for winter by gathering into a compact cluster to retain heat.
Bees typically fly out to collect food early in the morning when the air is still cool and the flowers are freshly filled with nectar.
Bees can fly at different times of the day depending on factors such as weather, temperature and availability of food. However, most activity takes place during the warmer hours of the day.
Bees fly primarily during the daytime, especially in warm, sunny weather. They are less active in rain, strong winds or in the dark.
Bees cannot perceive pink as an independent color because their visual receptors allow them to perceive colors differently than humans. However, they are sensitive to ultraviolet and blue hues.
Bees require various flowering plants as a food source, but they also visit some vegetable flowers, such as the flowers of tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini, to collect nectar and pollen.
Bees can be found in various habitats including gardens, meadows, forests, fields and even urban environments where there are ample food sources.
Bees are protected because they play a key role in plant pollination, which is essential for food production and the maintenance of ecosystems. Their decline would have serious consequences for the environment and agriculture.
Various flowering garden plants such as lavender, sunflowers, borage, crocuses, asters and sage are attractive to bees and provide abundant nectar and pollen.
Flowering shrubs such as lilac, weigela, buddleia, honeysuckle and butterfly bush are popular with bees and provide a good source of food.
Bees cannot see white as an independent color because their visual receptors allow them to perceive colors differently than humans. However, they are sensitive to ultraviolet and blue hues.
Yes, bees can see colors, but their color perception is different than humans. They are particularly sensitive to ultraviolet and blue hues.
Bees can see red, but not in the same way as humans. Their perception of red is likely different because their visual receptors respond to different light spectrums.
Formic acid is sometimes used by beekeepers to treat varroa mites, but dosage and application must be carefully controlled to avoid harming bees.
Some flowering plants that can thrive in the shade and are attractive to bees include cranesbill, wood saxifrage and bluebells.
Bees can seal holes in the hive with propolis, a sticky substance that they collect from resin and mix with other secretions.
Small bees can refer to different species, for example young bees, small bee species or even smaller individuals within a bee colony.
Chameleons are primarily insectivores and could theoretically eat bees if given the opportunity. However, chameleons are generally not direct hunters of flying insects such as bees.
The number of bee colonies can vary depending on the region and local conditions. However, thousands of bee colonies can live in a given area.
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are known for building honeycombs to store honey, pollen and brood. Other species of bees, such as bumblebees, do not build honeycomb but use other methods to store their supplies.
Various species of thyme are attractive to bees, but common thyme (Thymus vulgaris) in particular is a popular food source for bees due to its abundant flowers.
Bees generate heat through muscular activity by shaking their flight muscles. This allows you to increase the temperature in the hive and keep the breeding area warm even in cooler temperatures.
Bees can in fact be stunned by certain plants that contain psychoactive substances. This may cause them to appear in a dazed state or alter their normal behavior.
Maple trees produce pollen and nectar in spring that can be collected by bees. Various species of maple, such as the Norway maple (Acer platanoides), can therefore serve as a food source for bees.
All sunflower species are attractive to bees, but especially the varieties with simple, open flower heads that are easily accessible provide abundant nectar and pollen.
Solitary bee species, such as mason bees and leafcutter bees, are solitary and build their nests alone, in contrast to social bee species such as honey bees and bumblebees.
Bees communicate primarily through dance language and chemical signals, such as pheromones. They communicate not in human language, but through complex behaviors and scents.
Bees produce drones, the male bees, mainly in spring and summer when the queen needs to be mated. Drones are developed from unfertilized eggs.
The life expectancy of bees varies depending on the species and role in the hive. Workers typically live for several weeks to a few months, while queens can live for several years.
Yes, bees have a digestive system similar to that of other insects. It includes a digestive tract with various organs such as the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines.
In general, bees are not trained in the traditional sense like other animals. However, beekeepers can influence certain behaviors through reward or conditioning.
Bee drones are the male bees and do not have a stinger, so they are not dangerous to humans. They also do not have a defensive instinct like female worker bees.
Bees do not hatch from eggs, but from larvae that hatch from the fertilized eggs. The exact time varies depending on the bee species and the conditions in the hive.
Depending on the bee species and weather conditions, bees can collect nectar and pollen within a radius of up to several kilometers.
All types of lavender are attractive to bees, but lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) in particular is often visited by bees.
Many species of bees, including honey bees, wild bees and bumblebees, love lavender because of its rich nectar and pollen supply.
Sugar water is sometimes used by beekeepers to feed bees, especially during times of food shortages or during the winter when natural food sources are scarce.
Treating bees for diseases or parasites should be carried out according to the recommendations of an experienced beekeeper and may vary depending on needs and time of year.
Yes, during times of food shortages or when bees are weakened, beekeepers can feed bees to help them stay healthy and survive the winter.
Bees collect propolis from tree resin by collecting it with their mouthparts and transporting it into the hive. There they use it to seal cracks and as a disinfectant.
Bees pollinate plants, which contributes to the production of fruits, vegetables and other crops. They also produce honey, beeswax, propolis and other useful products.
Bees benefit from a diverse and abundant food source from flowering plants, a clean habitat free of pesticides and diseases, and a favorable environment for their hive.
Some flowers that bloom in autumn and are attractive to bees include asters, coneflowers, autumn crocus, goldenrod and sedum.
Various types of broom are attractive to bees, but broom broom (Cytisus scoparius) in particular is often visited by bees.
No, bee drones do not have a stinger and therefore cannot sting. Their main purpose is to mate with the queen.
Yes, bees are extremely important to ecosystems and agriculture as they play a key role in pollinating plants, which helps produce food and maintain biodiversity.
Bees can expand their nucs depending on needs and conditions in the hive, typically during the spring and summer months when the population is growing and new bees have hatched.
Bees usually build queen cells when they need to breed a new queen, either because the current queen is old or weak, or because she has left the hive.
Yes, bees can be affected by parasites such as Varroa mites and bee lice, which can affect their health and the well-being of the colony.
Several species of spiders, such as crab spiders, wasp spiders, and wolf spiders, can eat bees if the opportunity arises.
Swarming bees usually do not belong to anyone because they have left the old hive and are looking for a new home. However, a beekeeper can attempt to capture the swarm and house them in a hive.
Bees belong to the genus Apis in the family Apidae, which also includes other social bee species such as honey bees.
Bees are valuable because, as pollinators of plants, they play a crucial role in producing food for humans and animals and help maintain ecosystems.
Yes, China still has bees, although declining bee populations due to pesticides, habitat loss and other factors are also a problem in China.
Bees produce offspring when the queen lays her eggs in the honeycombs of the hive. The eggs then develop into larvae, which are fed by the workers until they pupate and eventually become adult bees.
Bees reproduce sexually, with the queen being mated by drones. She then lays eggs from which new bees develop.
Bees can be dangerous if they feel threatened or are defending their hive. In such situations they can sting and cause allergic reactions.
Black bee species can vary in abundance depending on the region and species. Some species of black bees are rare while others are more common.
Black bees are different species of bees that can be dark or black in color. There are different subspecies and species of black bees around the world.
Bees live socially in colonies consisting of a queen, workers and drones. Each bee has its specific role in the hive to ensure the survival of the colony.
Bees communicate with each other primarily through dance language and chemical signals such as pheromones to share information about food sources, dangers, and other important aspects of the hive.
Bees can be found in various habitats, including forests, meadows, gardens, agricultural fields and even urban areas, where there are sufficient flowering plants from which they can collect nectar and pollen.
Bees have a limited ability to recognize individual humans, particularly those they regularly feed or interact with. However, they are sensitive to movements and smells.
Bees collect propolis by collecting tree resin from various plants and mixing it with their saliva and beeswax. They then carry the propolis into the hive and use it to seal cracks and as a disinfectant.
Various species of crocus, such as the spring crocus (Crocus vernus) and the autumn crocus (Crocus speciosus), are attractive to bees and provide abundant nectar and pollen.
Bees do not like strong smells, such as perfume or certain chemical substances, which they could perceive as threatening. They also avoid areas where there are few or no flowering plants.
Black bees, like other bee species, collect nectar and pollen, pollinate plants and build honeycombs in the hive. They play an important role in the ecosystem and agriculture.
Bees usually kill drones at the end of the breeding season, when their presence is no longer needed for reproduction. This is done to save resources in the hive, as drones do not perform other tasks.
Bees can be packed and shipped in special bee boxes or cages for transportation to another location or to a beekeeper.
Yes, flower honey is collected by bees by collecting the nectar from flowering plants and bringing it to the hive where it is processed into honey.
Bees do not molt like some other insects, but rather develop through various developmental stages, starting with an egg that develops into a larva, then a pupa, and finally an adult bee.
Several species of hornets can eat bees, including the European hornet (Vespa crabro) and the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina).
The European hornet (Vespa crabro) and the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) are known to eat bees and can pose a threat to bee colonies.
Bees can be bred through selective breeding by beekeepers to promote certain traits such as gentleness, honey yield or disease resistance.
Adult bees are fully grown, sexually mature bees that can be either workers, drones or queens and perform various tasks in the hive.
Bees do not actively use stones in their habitat. They prefer natural habitats such as trees, caves or man-made structures such as beehives.
Forsythia is a popular spring flower for bees because its bright yellow flowers produce abundant nectar and pollen.
Yes, there are historical records that indicate that the Romans kept bees. They valued honey as a sweetener and medicine and developed various beekeeping techniques.
Bees are not typically dissected unless for scientific or artistic purposes. In such cases, special techniques and chemicals are used to preserve the bees.
Bees generally travel during daylight hours, especially in warm and sunny weather. They become active to collect nectar and pollen from flowering plants.
Bees are threatened in many places around the world, but so far they have not become extinct. However, there are regions where the population of wild bee species has declined sharply due to habitat loss, pesticides and other factors.
The cost of bee nucs can vary depending on the region, bee species and quality. In general, they can range from a few dozen to several hundred euros per cutting.
Beekeepers often use a sugar solution with a ratio of about 1 part sugar to 1 part water as a nutritional supplement for bees, especially during the winter months or when food is scarce.
Bees see flowers differently than humans through ultraviolet light. They recognize patterns and markings on flower petals, which serve as a landing strip or food source for them.
Many plants can be pollinated without bees, but pollination results may be less efficient. However, bees make a significant contribution to pollination and maintaining the genetic diversity of many plants.
There are no known species of bees with a blue color. Bees can have different colors, but color alone is not an indication of their danger.
Beekeepers carry out regular inspections depending on needs and time of year. During bee season, inspections may be required every one to two weeks to check the condition of the bee colony.
Bees can be dangerous if they feel threatened or are defending their hive. In such situations they can sting and cause allergic reactions.
Stonecrop (Sedum) is a popular plant for bees because it blooms late in the fall and produces abundant nectar and pollen, which serve as a food source for bees.
Bee food dough is usually made from a mixture of sugar and water. There are different recipes for feed dough depending on the needs of the bees and the preferences of the beekeeper.
The color of the bees has no influence on their danger. Black bees are usually no more dangerous than other types of bees.
Bees collect forest honey during the flowering period of trees and bushes in the forest, typically in spring and summer.
Bees usually form queen cells when they need to breed a new queen, either because the current queen is old or weak or because she has left the hive.
Bee larvae are fed and cared for by the worker bees until they pupate and grow into adult bees.
Various species of bees build nests, including honey bees, wild bees, bumblebees and solitary bee species. The construction of the nests can vary depending on the bee species.
Bees are generally active during daylight hours and begin their activities at sunrise.
Bees are generally active during the day and rest at night. However, they can also be active in the early morning and evening hours, especially in warm weather.
Bees can detect water sources by smell and visual characteristics such as shine and reflection. They often look for water near their hive or in the surrounding area.
Bees are sensitive to strong smells such as ammonia, vinegar, or certain essential oils, which can cause them to avoid an area.
Bees avoid areas where there are strong smells, smoke, vibrations or other potential threats. They are also sensitive to certain smells and substances that they find unpleasant.
Bees are sensitive to strong smells such as ammonia, vinegar, citrus oils or certain herbs, which may cause them to avoid an area.
Yes, bees can be captured by attracting them with a suitable container or hive. Experienced beekeepers use various methods to capture and relocate bees to a hive.
The Civil Code (BGB) sets out, among other things, regulations for beekeeping and the protection of bees and beehives in order to regulate conflicts between beekeepers and neighbors and to ensure the protection of bees.
Some home remedies that can be used to repel bees include essential oils such as lemongrass oil, lavender oil or mint oil, vinegar, ammonia, or even special commercial bee repellents.
Bees are bred in hives or beehives placed by beekeepers in gardens, farms or rural areas.
Various pesticides can harm or kill bees, including neonicotinoids, pyrethroids, organophosphates and other chemical pesticides used in agriculture and horticulture.
Bees are social insects that live in colonies. They communicate with each other through dance language and chemical signals, collect food (nectar and pollen) and build honeycombs in the hive.
Yes, bees have what is called a honey stomach or honey sac, which allows them to store and transport nectar back to the hive where it is processed into honey.
Bees like various types of daisies, including the common daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) and the spring daisy (Bellis perennis), as they produce abundant nectar and pollen.
Bees are primarily active during warm seasons, typically spring, summer and fall, when flowering plants provide abundant food.
Bee larvae pupate in cells within the hive, where they develop into adult bees. They spin a cocoon of silk threads and remain in this state during pupation until they hatch.
Bees avoid areas with strong odors such as ammonia, vinegar, lemon scent, or essential oils such as peppermint oil or lemongrass oil.
Bees prefer a variety of flowering plants and flowers that produce abundant nectar and pollen. Some popular plants for bees include lavender, sunflowers, clover, phacelia and borage.
Bees are sometimes stolen to steal either entire colonies or their products such as honey. This often happens for financial reasons or due to the high demand for bee colonies to pollinate crops.
Bees do not typically fly at night because they fly by sight and cannot navigate well in the dark. They usually stay in the hive and rest after sunset.
Bees usually fly during daylight hours. They usually begin their activities at sunrise and return to the hive when it gets dark.
Bees avoid areas with strong smells, smoke, vibrations or other potential threats. Certain essential oils such as lemongrass, mint, or lavender can also help keep bees away.
Bees have a complex navigation system that helps them orient themselves and find food sources. They also communicate with each other through dance language and pheromones to share information about food sources.
Beekeepers are those who most commonly work with bees to produce honey, raise and maintain bee colonies, and provide agricultural pollination services.
Bees are not employed in the human sense. They live in social colonies and perform various tasks such as collecting food, caring for the brood, defending the hive and building honeycombs.
Bees reproduce primarily during warm seasons when conditions are favorable for brood development, typically spring and summer.
Bees communicate with each other primarily through dance language and chemical signals called pheromones. The bee dance serves to convey information to other bees about the location of food sources.
Bees communicate with each other through various forms of communication, including the bee dance, in which they exchange information about food sources, and chemical signals such as pheromones that they release within the hive.
There are specialized insurance policies for beekeepers and colonies that offer protection against losses due to theft, disease, pesticides and other risks.
Yes, acacia honey is collected by bees by collecting the nectar from acacia flowers and bringing it to the hive where it is processed into honey.
Bees form queen cells when they need to breed a new queen, either because the current queen is old or weak or because she has left the hive.
It is not advisable to use poisons against bees as this can harm the bee colonies. In the event of a bee sting, anti-allergic treatment may be required.
Worker bees collect nectar and pollen, build and maintain the hive, feed the brood, defend the hive, and perform various other tasks that help maintain the colony.
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) produce wax by secreting wax plates with special wax glands on their abdomen and then use these to build honeycombs in the hive.
Bees typically feed their nucs continuously throughout their development, starting from the larval stage through the adult stage.
Bees mate during an act of flight in which a drone mates with the queen. Mating occurs in the air, and the drone dies shortly afterwards.
Bees do not have a fixed sleep cycle like humans, but rather have periods of rest and activity within the hive. The worker bees rest for short intervals, while the queen and drones can rest for longer periods.
Beekeepers often use smoke from special smokers aimed at a hive to calm bees and discourage them from defending themselves or becoming aggressive.
Bee food dough is usually made from a mixture of sugar and water. There are different recipes for feed dough depending on the needs of the bees and the preferences of the beekeeper.
Bees can be purchased from beekeepers, beekeepers or online from beekeeper supply stores. You can either purchase bee colonies or bee nucs, depending on your own needs and experience as a beekeeper.
Bees sometimes engage in wild building when they do not have enough space or suitable conditions in the hive to build their honeycombs. This may be due to overcrowding, inadequate building frames, or other factors.
Lilac is a bee-friendly plant as its fragrant flowers produce abundant nectar and pollen that are collected by bees.
Various pesticides can harm or kill bees, including neonicotinoids, pyrethroids, organophosphates and other chemical pesticides used in agriculture and horticulture.
Bees respond positively to certain scents such as lavender, mint, chamomile or other floral scents that can help calm them and reduce stress.
Bees usually become active during daylight hours and begin their activities at sunrise to collect food and maintain the hive.
Bumblebees are important pollinators, but they cannot completely replace bees because they have different preferences and behaviors. Both play an important role in plant pollination.
Various types of clover such as red clover (Trifolium pratense) and white clover (Trifolium repens) are bee-friendly and provide plenty of nectar and pollen for bees.
Bees can become aggressive due to a variety of factors, including disturbances to the hive, vibrations, smells of potential threats, or animals entering the hive.
Buckfast bees are generally not considered particularly aggressive, but rather gentle and productive bees. However, their behavior can vary depending on the environment and breeding line.
Bees are active all year round, but their activity and availability depend on climatic conditions and local flowering times.
Bees feed on nectar and pollen that they collect from a variety of flowering plants and flowers, including lavender, sunflowers, clover, phacelia and borage.
Bees can be transported in special transport boxes or beehives designed to protect bee colonies during transport and ensure they are adequately ventilated and stable.
Bees organize themselves into social colonies that have a complex division of labor. Workers perform various tasks such as foraging, brood care, building honeycombs and defending the hive, while the queen is responsible for reproduction.
A syrup for bees can be made from a mixture of sugar and water to serve as a substitute food when natural food sources are scarce. The mixing ratio is typically 1 part sugar to 1 part water.
Bee mixtures are typically sown in spring or early summer to grow flowering plants that produce abundant nectar and pollen, thereby providing food for bees.
Bees are not made, but are living insects that organize themselves into a colony and live in a hive.
Bees are sensitive to various environmental factors such as pesticides, diseases, bad weather, inadequate food sources and hive disturbances.
Some plants can harm bees with toxic pollen or nectar, such as rhododendrons, azaleas, oleander and castor bean.
Bees can become aggressive when they feel threatened or when their hive is disturbed, especially while foraging or when they need to defend themselves.
Caring for bees includes regularly checking the hive for health, providing adequate food sources, controlling diseases and parasites, and supporting colonies when needed.
The final inspection of the bees typically occurs in the fall, before the cold season begins, to ensure that the bees have enough supplies for the winter and that the hive is winter-proof.
Oxalic acid is used in beekeeping to treat Varroa mites, a parasitic mite that attacks and weakens bees.
Most of the bees in the hive are female workers as they carry out the main tasks such as foraging, brood care and building honeycombs. The queen is also female and is responsible for reproduction.
Bees not only give us honey, but also other bee products such as pollen, propolis and beeswax. In addition, they play a crucial role in pollinating plants and maintaining ecosystems.
The lifespan of bees varies depending on their role in the hive. Workers typically live from a few weeks to a few months, while queens can live for several years.
Bees belong to the class of insects and the order Hymenoptera.
Sal willows are bee-friendly plants, particularly osier (Salix viminalis) and white willow (Salix alba), whose flowers provide nectar and pollen for bees.
Various herbs such as lavender, thyme, rosemary and mint make good potted plants for bees because they produce abundant nectar and pollen.
Geraniums are not particularly bee-friendly because their flowers do not have a high nectar or pollen content and are therefore not heavily visited by bees.
Various species of birds such as sparrows, titmice, starlings and woodpeckers may occasionally eat bees, especially when they are looking for food.
Bees need a sugar solution as a replacement food, which is made from common table sugar (sucrose) and water. The mixing ratio is typically 1 part sugar to 1 part water.
Bees rarely drown because their structure and light build allow them to float on the surface of the water. However, they can drown if they fall into pools of water and are unable to find their way out.
Candyman references a famous line from a horror film. There is no known connection between bees and the movie Candyman.
Yes, bees can pollinate grains such as wheat, barley and oats, although they are more commonly used to pollinate fruit and vegetable crops.
Bees can tolerate different temperatures depending on the species and strain. Some species of bees can survive temperatures below freezing, while others are more heat-loving and become inactive in cold weather.
Hanging plants such as hanging petunias, hanging geraniums, fuchsias and nasturtiums can be bee-friendly and provide food in the form of nectar and pollen.
Bees prefer moderate temperatures between 20°C and 30°C for optimal flight conditions and foraging. Temperatures that are too hot or too cold can affect their activity.
Bees can swarm during the warm season, typically spring or early summer, when the population in the hive becomes too large and a new queen moves out to start a new swarm.
The collecting activity of bees can vary depending on weather conditions, time of day and availability of nectar and pollen. Bees can forage all day long as long as conditions are favorable.
Bees collect honeydew by ingesting the sweet secretions of aphids and other plant suckers. These are collected by the bees, brought into the hive and processed into honey there.
Bees drink water when they are thirsty or when they need it to cool the hive. You can also collect water to increase the humidity in the hive.
Bees fetch water to quench their thirst and cool the hive. Water is also important for diluting honey and maintaining humidity in the hive.
There are many wildflowers that are attractive to bees, including borage, cornflower, corn poppy, meadow sage, clovers and many more.
The Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) is one of the most dangerous parasites for honey bees and can weaken bees or even kill entire colonies if left untreated.
The buzzing sound of bees can vary depending on the type and size of the bee, but is usually not very loud. It is perceived more as a buzzing or humming sound and is used for communication within the hive and for orientation during flight.
Bees communicate primarily through vibrations and dance language. Although they do not make noise in the traditional sense, they can produce certain vibrations that can be felt within the hive or during flight.
Bees have immense importance in pollinating plants, maintaining biodiversity and producing honey, beeswax and other bee products. They play a crucial role in the ecosystem and agriculture.
Bees are usually busier and more active in warm, sunny weather. They are particularly active during peak flight times when flowers produce abundant nectar and pollen.
Bees collect nectar during the day, especially in warm, sunny weather when flowers are open and producing nectar. This typically occurs during peak morning and afternoon flight times.
Hussar buttons (Scabiosa) produce nectar and pollen and are therefore bee-friendly plants that can be visited by bees.
Bees pollinate flowers while collecting nectar and pollen, which leads to fertilization of flowers and reproduction of plants. This is an important process for the reproduction of many plant species.
Various species of birds such as woodpeckers, sparrows, titmice and starlings may occasionally eat bees, especially when they are searching for food.
The dog rose (Rosa canina) is a bee-friendly wild rose that produces abundant nectar and pollen and is visited by bees.
Bees should only be fed when they do not have enough natural food sources, such as during periods of drought or when they are newly settled and cannot yet find enough food.
Bees produce a variety of products including honey, beeswax, propolis, pollen and royal jelly. These products have a variety of uses in nutrition, cosmetics, medicine and other areas.
Oxalic acid is used in beekeeping to combat Varroa mites. There are several forms of oxalic acid, including oxalic acid dihydrate and oxalic acid solutions, that can be used for bee health.
Bees are usually fed when they do not have enough natural food sources, especially in the fall to prepare them for winter, or when they are weakened and need support.
Bees are beneficial insects because they make a positive contribution to the pollination of plants, which is crucial for biodiversity conservation, agriculture and food production.
Bees can become sick from a variety of factors, including parasites such as the Varroa mite, pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, pesticides, malnutrition and pollution.
Bees do not have hearing in the traditional sense and cannot hear ultrasonic sounds. Their communication occurs primarily through vibrations and pheromones.
The brood of bees is housed in special cells in the hive known as honeycombs. The queen lays her eggs in these cells, and there the larvae develop into adult bees.
Beekeepers wear special protective clothing to protect them from bee stings. This includes protective suits, gloves, veils and boots that prevent bees from coming into contact with the skin.
Bees do not have hearing in the traditional sense and cannot hear music in the way that we humans perceive it. However, they respond to vibrations and can detect certain frequencies.
It is believed that bees have a certain degree of memory and can remember places, flowers and resources that they have previously visited. However, this memory is not as developed as in higher mammals.
Bees can detect vibrations and certain sounds even though they do not have hearing in the traditional sense. They communicate primarily through dance language and pheromones.
Not all bee species are protected, but many species are under observation due to population declines and habitat loss and are supported by biodiversity conservation measures.
Some species of beetles, such as the small hive beetle and the Asian hornet nest beetle, can attack bee nests and eat larvae, honey and pollen, which can pose a threat to bee colonies.
Bees can be gone when they swarm, that is, when a new queen leaves the hive with part of the colony to start a new swarm. They may also be gone if their hive is disturbed or destroyed.
The cost of removing bees can vary depending on the size of the bee swarm, the location where the hive is located and the measures required to remove them. It is advisable to hire professional beekeepers or exterminators to safely remove the bees.
Professional beekeepers or exterminators can pick up swarms of bees and move them to a safe location, especially if they occur in residential areas or other public areas.
Professional beekeepers, exterminators, or specially trained individuals are often licensed and able to safely remove bees, especially if they pose a threat to public safety.
Different species of bees fly at different times depending on the region and time of year. Some species fly in spring and summer, while others may also be active in fall, depending on available food sources.
In addition to some species of beetles, certain species of birds such as woodpeckers and certain species of wasps and hornets can also eat bees, especially when they are looking for food.
The Varroa mite is a significant parasite that can weaken bees and kill entire colonies by feeding on the hemolymph (blood) of bees and transmitting disease.
We can help bees by growing bee-friendly plants, reducing pesticides, protecting habitats and providing natural food sources. We can also support beekeeping and work to protect bees and their habitats.
No, bees have six legs like other insects.
Bees have compound eyes in order to be able to perceive a wide range of visual information. These eyes allow them to quickly detect movement and shapes, which is important for navigation, searching for food, and communication within the hive.
Yes, bees can be attacked by various parasites, including the Varroa mite, which is one of the biggest threats to bee colonies.
Bees produce a variety of products including honey, beeswax, propolis, royal jelly and pollen. These products have various uses in nutrition, medicine, cosmetics and industry.
Bees can die suddenly due to various factors such as disease, parasite infestation, pesticide exposure, lack of food, pollution and stressors such as bad weather or disruption to the hive.
Some bee species are at risk of extinction due to environmental changes, habitat loss, pesticide exposure and other factors. The decline in bee populations has caused concern worldwide.
Bees usually only attack when they feel threatened or need to defend their hive. As a rule, they become aggressive if they feel disturbed by vibrations, smells or loud noises.
The development of eggs into young bees typically occurs within three weeks, although the exact time can vary depending on the bee species and environmental conditions.
Bees can produce offspring year-round, although reproductive activity is often strongest in spring and summer, when food and nesting opportunities are plentiful.
Yes, bee maggots are the larvae of bees that develop from the eggs laid by the queen. They are fed and cared for by workers in the hive until they develop into adult bees.
Bees are remarkable insects that possess a variety of abilities, including flying, gathering food, communicating, maintaining complex social structures, and building nests.
Bees are attracted to many different colors, but they often show a preference for flowers with yellow, blue or purple flowers as these are often rich in nectar and pollen.
Mouse screens can be removed in spring when the risk of mouse infestation in the hive has decreased and the bees have had enough time to strengthen themselves and prepare for the warm season.
Yes, bees have a clearly visible waist between their thorax and abdomen, similar to wasps, although it is usually less pronounced than wasps.
All female bees, including workers and queens, can sting, while male bees, the drones, cannot sting.
Yes, small bees, such as honey bees, can sting when they feel threatened or need to defend their hive.
The term "human bees" is sometimes used metaphorically to describe the work efficiency and high work ethic of people who work dedicatedly and diligently.
Bees are distributed worldwide and live on all continents except Antarctica. They inhabit a variety of habitats, from forests to meadows to urban areas.
Bees live in colonies that can be kept in beehives or beehives. These can be found in different countries around the world depending on local conditions and beekeeping practices.
Bees have similar organs to other insects, including a digestive system, respiratory system, reproductive system, and nervous system.
Wild bees are species of bees that have not been domesticated and live in the wild. They play an important role in pollinating plants and maintaining ecological diversity.
Bees like a variety of trees, but some of their favorite species are lime trees, chestnut trees, acacia and fruit trees such as apple and cherry trees.
No, bees cannot generate electricity. They are insects and do not have the ability to generate or use electrical energy.
In a bee colony, the male bees, the drones, usually die after the mating season or when resources in the hive become scarce. They are driven out of the hive by the workers or even killed.
Some popular spring bloomers for bees include crocuses, snowdrops, cornelian cherries, pussy willows, and spring bloomers such as cherries and apples.
Bees generally avoid plants with a strong scent, such as some varieties of geraniums or strongly scented flowers such as lilies or daffodils.
Yes, bees can communicate with each other, primarily through dance language and scents they secrete, to exchange information about food sources, dangers, and the location of the hive.
Organic bees are bees that are kept in apiaries that work according to the principles of organic farming. This means that no synthetic pesticides or antibiotics are used and that the bees are kept in a natural environment.
Yes, bees have a central nervous system (CNS), which consists of a brain and nerves. Although less complex than that of vertebrates, it allows bees to process information, learn and interact.
Bees are kept in hives or beehives, which can be placed in apiaries, gardens, agricultural fields or even urban environments.
Some birds, such as the bee-eater, are known to eat bees.
The last feeding of bees before winter usually occurs in the fall to ensure they have enough supplies to survive the winter.
Bees pollinate plants by picking up pollen from the male stamens and transferring it to the female stigmas of flowers. This process is crucial for plant reproduction and the production of fruits and seeds.
The Asian hornet (Vespa mandarinia) is a large species of hornet known for hunting and killing bees.
There are different types of large bees, but for example the giant honey bee (Apis dorsata) is one of the largest bee species.
Certain species of solitary bees, such as mason bees or sand bees, dig holes in the ground or soft wood to create their nests.
Bees use honeycomb to store their honey, brood and pollen. The honeycomb structure allows them to organize and use their resources efficiently.
Yes, bees can be overfed, especially with sugar water or syrup. Overfeeding can lead to problems such as honey dilution, weight gain, and even disruption of the breeding cycle.
In some regions of the world, bee populations are declining, largely due to factors such as habitat loss, pesticide use, disease and parasitic infestation, and climate change.
Social bees are species of bees that live in communities or colonies that have a complex social structure. Social bees include honey bees, bumblebees and some species of wasps.
Bees feed on nectar and pollen that they collect from a variety of flowers. Popular flowers for bees include lavender, sunflowers, clover, dandelions and many others.
Dreams about bees can have different meanings, but they are often associated with hard work, community, order and fertility.
Bees respond to a variety of stimuli, including smells, colors, movement, temperature changes and vibrations.
No, not all bees can sting. Among the bees, it is mainly the female workers who have a stinger and can sting, while male bees, the drones, have no stinger.
Bees fly out of the hive to gather food, collect pollen and nectar, drink water and defend the hive.
Bees are called workers because most members of a hive are female workers who are responsible for gathering food, caring for brood, building honeycomb, and other tasks in the hive.
Young bees, also called larvae, are fed a special mixture of pollen and nectar called bee bread by the older workers.
Bees collect forest honey by collecting nectar from flowers in forests and bringing it back to the hive. There the nectar is processed into honey and stored in honeycombs.
Bees can move on if conditions in their current habitat become unfavorable, for example due to a lack of food or disease in the hive.
Beehives should be placed in a sunny location that is protected from strong winds and provides good flight access to flowering plants.
Depending on the region and weather conditions, the first honey bee migration begins in spring when the first flowers appear and nectar becomes available.
There is no specific color that will repel bees. Some people believe that bees are particularly attracted to the color yellow, but this has not been scientifically proven.
Bees don't cut leaves. However, other insects such as leafcutter bees can cut pieces of leaves and use them to build their nests.
Some animals that can hunt bees include spiders, birds like bee-eaters, and insect-eating mammals like bats.
Roses often produce abundant nectar and are therefore often visited by bees. Pollination of roses by bees can contribute to the production of fruit.
Bees can be counted by observing them as they fly in and out of the hive. Various counting methods are often used for scientific purposes, including visual counts or automated image recognition technologies.
Bees pollinate fruit trees by flying from flower to flower, picking up pollen from the stamens and transferring it to the stigmas of other flowers, leading to fertilization and the production of fruit.
Large bees can include several species, including the giant honey bee (Apis dorsata) and some species of bumblebees, which are larger compared to other species of bees.
Bees require plants as a food source for nectar and pollen, which they use to raise their brood and produce honey.
Winter feeding of bees is usually done in the fall before the start of the cold season to ensure that the bees have enough supplies to survive the winter.
Bees go through different stages of development. They start as an egg, then hatch as a larva, later pupate and finally an adult bee emerges.
Bees do not have consciousness like humans and other mammals to feel emotions such as fear. However, they respond to threats or dangers and can respond accordingly to defend themselves.
The young bees, also called larvae, are fed, cared for and cared for in the honeycombs of the hive by the older worker bees.
There are many balcony flowers that are attractive to bees, including lavender, sunflowers, bluebells, daisies and sage.
Some birds, such as the bee-eater, feed on bees.
There are no specific herbs that work against bees. Most herbs are valued by bees as a source of food and even support them as a source of pollen and nectar.
The common privet (Ligustrum vulgare) is often visited by bees because of its small, fragrant flowers.
Bees have no concept of zero or other abstract mathematical concepts like humans do. They operate on instinct and simple associations.
Bees have an open circulatory system known as hemolymph, which moves within the bee's body space to transport nutrients and oxygen.
Bees can see ultraviolet light as well as blue, green and yellow, but they are unable to see red.
Bees see blue through special receptors in their compound eyes that respond to the blue light reflected from flowers, the sky and other objects.
Some people wear protective clothing such as bee suits or use insect repellent to protect themselves from bee stings.
Bees may move out if conditions in their current hive deteriorate, such as due to lack of food or disease.
Colonial bees are species that live in large social groups or colonies consisting of a queen, workers and drones, such as honey bees and some bumblebee species.
Bees love a variety of flowers, especially those with lots of nectar and pollen, such as lavender, sunflowers, clovers, dandelions, thyme and many others.
Bees generally pollinate a wide variety of plants, but they cannot pollinate certain types of plants that require special adaptations or pollination mechanisms, such as wind pollination.
Not all bee species are equally peaceful, but some species, such as the honey bee (Apis mellifera), are generally considered peaceful as long as they are not threatened or irritated.
Bees Drones, male bees, typically fly during warm seasons, especially spring and summer, when they search for young queens to mate with.
Bees have an excellent sense of smell and can detect certain smells, but they are not specifically trained to sniff out explosives.
There are various reasons for bee deaths, including habitat loss, pesticide use, disease and parasites, climate change and pollution.
Bees like cherry laurel because of its abundant flowers, which are rich in nectar and pollen and are an important source of food for them.
Bees build queen cells to raise a new queen, either to replace an old queen or to start a new colony.
Bees sometimes search for cavities or suitable nesting sites to find new nesting sites or to protect themselves from external threats.
Yes, bee maggots develop into adult bees. The maggots go through various stages of metamorphosis and finally transform into adult bees.
Yes, bee pollen is highly nutritious and contains proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can be beneficial to the health of bees and other living creatures.
Bees like to drink water, especially on warm days, to regulate their water balance and cool the hive.
Yes, fir honey is collected by bees by taking the nectar from the flowers of the fir trees and bringing it back to the hive where it is processed into honey.
Bees can be distinguished by their size, color, flight pattern, lifestyle and other characteristics, but accurate differentiation often requires a thorough knowledge of bee species.
Bees make "children" by the queen laying eggs, which are then cared for by the workers in the hive until they hatch and develop.
Bees have no emotions in the human sense and therefore cannot be sad. Their actions are controlled by instincts and environmental stimuli.
Bees need a suitable hive or hive to settle and establish their colony. This can be a Langstroth hive, a Dadant hive, or another type of hive.
Solitary bees are species of bees that live alone and do not form social colonies like honey bees. They lay their eggs individually in nesting tubes or other cavities and look after their offspring alone.
No, bees are not genetically identical. Within a bee colony, the workers can be genetically different because they come from different eggs from the queen. However, the queen and drones each have their own unique genetic characteristics.
Bees can be shipped in a variety of ways, usually placing them in special transport boxes or cages for safe and comfortable transport. Shipping is usually done by post or courier service.
Bees like to visit various mints, including peppermint, spearmint, and lemon balm, to collect nectar and pollen.
Bees are fed in the evening to ensure they have enough food to get through the night, especially during periods of insufficient flowers and nectar sources.
Bee nucs can be treated as needed, especially if they are affected by parasites or disease. The exact time for treatment depends on the specific circumstances and the beekeeper's recommendations.
Bees can be purchased from local beekeepers, beekeeping associations, breeders or beekeeping stores. It is important to obtain healthy, high-quality bees from trusted sources.
Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants and maintaining biodiversity. They are important pollinators for many crops, contributing to food security and the ecosystem.
Yes, bees have two pairs of wings, for a total of four wings.
Bees visit a variety of flowers, including weeds such as clover, dandelions, daisies and cornflowers, to collect nectar and pollen.
Bees collect nectar, pollen, water and propolis, build honeycomb, care for the brood, defend the hive and communicate with each other to meet the needs of the colony.
Bees are threatened by various factors such as habitat loss, pesticide use, disease, parasites and climate change. Some species are critically endangered or already extinct.
Bees usually return to their hives after collecting food. The exact time depends on flight conditions, nectar and pollen sources, and other environmental factors.
Bees build queen cells to raise a new queen, either to replace an old queen or to start a new colony.
Bees collect fir honey by taking the nectar from the flowers of the fir trees and bringing it back to the hive. There the nectar is processed into honey by the bees.
To protect themselves from bee stings, beekeepers often wear special protective clothing, which consists of a beekeeping suit with a hat, veil and gloves.
Vinegar is not typically used to repel bees. On the contrary, vinegar can even attract bees if it smells sweet or fruity.
Lavender is a plant often visited by bees because it is rich in nectar and pollen. However, lavender is not specifically used as a repellent against bees.
Male bees are called drones. The term “drone” is derived from the Old High German word meaning “humming” or “humming,” which refers to the characteristic hum of male bees.
The duration of bee overwintering depends on the region and climatic conditions. In temperate climates, bees can spend several months in their hive over the winter.
Yes, drones are the male bees in a hive. They have no stingers and their main job is to mate with the queen.
Bees are attracted to various scents, particularly sweet and floral smells, which indicate the presence of nectar and pollen.
Bees collect pollen by visiting flowers and collecting the pollen using their body hairs or special structures such as the pollen baskets on their hind legs.
Bees are social insects that work together in a colony to collect food, defend the hive, care for brood and produce honey.
Bees are supported by offering a diverse and flowering plant landscape, water sources and suitable beehives or hives.
Yes, bees have hairy bodies that help them collect pollen and nectar and regulate their body temperature.
Bees absorb water through their proboscis by licking water sources such as ponds, puddles or leaves.
Bees can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, but their optimal operating temperature is usually between around 30°C and 35°C.
Depending on the species and conditions, bees can fly several kilometers to collect food. The exact flight range depends on various factors such as weather conditions and food availability.
Yes, bees have the ability to see spatially. Their compound eyes enable them to perceive movements and distances in their surroundings.
Several species of hibiscus are attractive to bees, including the garden hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus) and the rose hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis).
Yes, bees can definitely fly. Despite previous misconceptions about bees' ability to fly, studies have shown that bees are very capable of flying due to their wing structure and flight pattern.
Yes, bees can be reproduced through natural reproduction (swarm formation) or through artificial reproduction methods such as swarm trapping, breeding and division of bee colonies.
Bees are most commonly seen collecting nectar and pollen during active flight times, usually during the day.
Bee children, i.e. the larvae, initially look like small white worms. They develop within the honeycomb and are fed and cared for by the workers until they pupate.
Bees form a winter cluster when temperatures get colder and bees gather in close quarters to generate heat and survive the winter. This usually happens from the beginning of autumn.
Yes, bees have various natural enemies, including birds such as woodpeckers and starlings, insectivorous animals such as spiders and dragonflies, and some predatory insects such as hornets and wasps.
If you encounter bees, it is best to remain calm and not disturb them. Bees are generally not aggressive unless they feel threatened. If possible, keep your distance and leave the bees alone.
Bee larvae hatch from the eggs laid in the honeycomb by the queen after about three days.
Bees like to visit flowering bushes such as lilac, privet, weigela, dog roses and lavender to collect nectar and pollen.
Certain smells like vinegar, citrus scents, or herbs like basil can deter bees. However, it should be noted that such methods do not necessarily drive away bees, but can simply discourage them from staying in a particular place.
Bees find nectar in the flowers of many plants, including flowers, shrubs, trees, and even some vegetables.
As a rule, young, healthy queens who have not yet mated are used for a mating box. These are placed in the mating box to mate with drones outside the bee colony.
Bees prevent inbreeding by having the queen fly outside her own hive to mate with drones from other colonies.
Various bees live in the hive, including the queen, workers and drones.
Keeping bees requires regular care and attention, so it can be a lot of work, especially during intensive periods such as honey harvest or swarm control.
Tagetes are bee-friendly plants because they are rich in nectar and pollen and are often visited by bees.
Bees collect nectar, pollen, water and sometimes propolis and resin.
The main food for bees is nectar, which they collect from flowers. They also collect pollen, which serves as a source of protein, as well as water and occasionally propolis and resin.
An artificial swarm can be obtained with bees from an existing bee colony or from a beekeeper who provides bee colonies specifically for this purpose.
Bees don't produce milk. They collect nectar and pollen to make honey and bee bread, but not milk.
The color of bees does not change from year to year. Bees can have different colors, from yellow to brown to black, depending on their breed and genetic diversity.
Bees cannot be "tamed" in the traditional sense, but beekeepers can work with them and care for colonies to maintain them and harvest honey.
Bees can be caught using special fishing gear or traps. Beekeepers often use swarm traps to capture swarms of bees and place them in empty hives.
Bee flowers are plants that produce abundant nectar and pollen and are therefore particularly attractive to bees.
Bees generally only sting when they feel threatened or need to defend their hive. They sting for a reason because they lose their stinger and therefore their life.
Some insects, such as wasps and hornets, can hunt and eat bees as prey.
Male bees, also known as drones, have the task of mating the queen. They have no other tasks in the bee colony and are often driven out of the hive in winter.
The amount of sugar syrup provided for bees varies depending on needs and circumstances. Generally, beekeepers use a 1:1 mixture of sugar and water to feed bees.
Flowering plants such as clover, lavender, sunflowers, marigolds, phacelia and many other bee-friendly flowers are particularly useful for bees.
Bees live in beehives, also called apiaries, which consist of beehives or hives in which they build their honeycombs and organize their colony.
Bees require a variety of plants that produce nectar and pollen to feed. These include flowers, shrubs and trees.
Yes, bees can be relocated by moving their hives to a different location. However, this requires careful planning and implementation to ensure that the bees accept the new location.
Yes, bees are at risk in many ways, including habitat loss, pesticide use, diseases and parasites, and climate change. There are global efforts to improve the protection of bees as they play an important role in pollinating plants and maintaining biodiversity.
Bees do not actually hibernate. In winter they form a cluster in the hive to keep the queen and the brood nest warm.
Bees typically work from early morning until dusk. After sunset they return to the hive and rest.
Glyphosate can be dangerous for bees because it can destroy plants that are important for their orientation, thereby reducing their food sources.
Worker bees can fly up to several kilometers a day to collect nectar and pollen. Your working hours depend heavily on the circumstances and needs of the bee colony.
Bees can be purchased from beekeepers or captured from swarms of bees. Some beekeepers also offer bee colonies for rent.
Bees pollinate a wide variety of flowers, including fruit trees, berry bushes, herbs, wildflowers, and many garden flowers.
Bees do not actually hibernate. In winter they form a dense cluster in the hive to keep the queen and brood nest warm and survive the cold.
Bees rely on a variety of trees that are rich in nectar and pollen. Some good trees for bees are linden, acacia, chestnut and fruit trees.
Bees do not have a specific color preference. They visit flowers regardless of their color as long as they are rich in nectar and pollen.
Bees are not leaf eaters. They collect nectar and pollen from flowers to supplement their diet.
Bees collect water to cool the hive and to dilute the honey if it is too thick. Water is also important for digestion and maintaining the life cycle in the hive.
Bees dance to communicate the location of rich food sources to their fellow bees. This "dance language" is one of the most amazing communication methods in the animal kingdom.
Bees can form nucs by breeding a new queen and leaving the old hive with part of the colony to found a new colony.
Bees' wings enable them to fly to collect nectar, pollen and water, as well as to defend the hive and form swarms.
Avocado trees are pollinated when their flowers are pollinated by bees and other pollinators, resulting in the fertilized flowers developing into avocados.
The weight of 10,000 bees varies depending on the bee breed, season and other factors, but it can be approximately between 1 and 2 kilograms.
Yes, bees can be bred through selective breeding to promote certain traits such as gentleness, honey yield or resistance to disease.
Bees can be photographed by approaching slowly and carefully without disturbing them and using a camera with a macro lens to capture details.
Buckfast bees are considered a breeding line developed by Brother Adam and are known for their gentleness, hard work and disease resistance. Many beekeepers therefore value them as good bees.
Bees originally come from Africa, but over the course of evolution they have spread to different parts of the world.
Originally from the Caucasus Mountains, Caucasian bees are a breed of bees known for their gentleness and hardiness.
No, bees do not shed their skin like some other insects. They go through different stages of development, starting as an egg, then a larva, a pupa and finally an adult bee.
The breeding season for bees varies depending on location and time of year. In some regions the breeding season can last from a few weeks to months.
Drones typically fly during the warm season, primarily to mate. They do not leave the hive to collect food like the workers do.
Bees usually stay close to the hive to forage for food and defend the hive. If they are disturbed or feel threatened, they may sting.
Bees can die naturally from a variety of factors, including disease, parasitic infestation, aging, or predators such as spiders, birds, or other insects.
Bees recognize flowers by their scent, color, shape, and the amount of nectar and pollen they produce.
Bees maintain the temperature in the hive by gathering in a cluster and vibrating their flight muscles to generate heat.
Bees mate in the air while swarming. The queen flies up, accompanied by numerous drones, and mates with several drones in the air.
Bees can be displaced or killed by various factors such as pesticides, diseases, parasites, predators or human disturbance.
Different species of bees can be found in the garden, including honey bees, wild bees such as mason bees, bumblebees and other species that can be found depending on the region and plant selection.
Yes, there are various ways to support bees, such as creating a bee-friendly garden, avoiding pesticides, providing nesting opportunities, and supporting beekeepers and conservation projects.
Bees usually only sting when they feel threatened or are in distress. Under normal circumstances they do not sting if left alone.
Bees visit a variety of flowering trees, including fruit trees such as apple, cherry and pear trees, as well as linden trees, acacias, chestnuts and many others.
Bees recognize flowers by their scent, color, shape, and the amount of nectar and pollen they produce. Their excellent color vision helps them identify flowers.
Bees do not usually hide, but rather live in their hives or nesting areas, which can vary depending on the species and environment.
In rare cases, bees could end up in cellars if, for example, there is a bee-friendly environment there or if they accidentally flew into it. They usually look for an exit to get back outside.
Bees produce wax when they need to raise young workers or when they need to build new combs to store honey, pollen and brood.
The European hornet (Vespa crabro) is a species of wasp that occasionally hunts and eats honey bees for use as food for its larvae.
Several species of cranesbills (Geranium) are bee-friendly, including the meadow cranesbill (Geranium pratense) and the Ruprecht's cranesbill (Geranium robertianum).
Bees defend their hive against intruders by attacking them with stings. The stings can be fatal to smaller intruders, especially if they attack in large numbers.
Bees are treated as needed to combat disease, parasitic infestations, or other health problems. Treatment is usually done during warm seasons when bees are active.
Bees collect propolis from various plants, resins and tree buds and use it to seal the hive and as a disinfectant and protection against disease.
Bees usually make nucs when they want to reproduce or when the hive becomes too large and a new queen develops.
Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which in turn contributes to the production of fruits, vegetables and seeds. They are essential for biodiversity and food security.
Bees do not inject poison. They sting with their stinger to defend themselves. The stinger is associated with a venom gland secretion that is injected into the victim's skin.
Winter treatment for bees is usually done in late fall or early winter to ensure that the bees are healthy and have enough supplies for the cold season.
Bees pollinate plants by carrying pollen from one flower to another while collecting nectar. The pollen grains remain attached to their bodies and are transferred from flower to flower, resulting in fertilization.
Bees are fed in autumn at the latest, before the cold season begins, to ensure that they have enough supplies for the winter.
Some smells that can deter bees include citrus scents, clove oil, lavender and peppermint oil. These can be used as natural repellents to keep bees away.
When handling bees, it is important to be calm and gentle as sudden movements or noise can upset them. It is advisable to use slow and gentle movements to avoid stitches.
Bees are known for their social nature, their hard work, their organization and their sense of community. They work hard for the well-being of their hive and are highly developed insects with sophisticated communication.
A bee's working lifespan varies depending on its role in the hive. Worker bees can live about four to six weeks, while summer bees, which hatch in the spring, often have shorter lifespans.
Bees pollinate apple trees during their blooming season in spring, when the flowers are open and producing nectar.
Bees obtain forest honey by collecting nectar from flowers in forests. This nectar is then brought to the hive where it is processed into honey.
Bees can be sold by beekeepers, beekeepers or beekeeping associations. This can be done by selling bee colonies, queens, bee products such as honey or other beekeeping supplies.
Keeping bees requires knowledge of bee biology, beekeeping techniques and how to deal with bee stings. It also requires commitment, time and care, but is entirely doable with appropriate training and equipment.
Bees cannot become “tame” in the traditional sense like pets. However, they can become accustomed to the presence of humans and feel less threatened if they are treated calmly and thoughtfully.
Bees produce a variety of products including honey, wax, propolis, royal jelly and bee pollen.
Bees are kept in hives or bee boxes, which can be placed in gardens, agricultural fields, forests or special apiaries.
Bees are insects and belong to the order Hymenoptera and the bee family (Apidae).
Bee larvae arise from fertilized eggs that are laid in the honeycomb by the queen. The eggs develop into larvae, which are fed and cared for by the workers until they pupate and eventually become adult bees.
Some smells that can deter bees include citrus scents, clove oil, lavender and peppermint oil.
Bees can use the polarization of sunlight to orient themselves in flight and find their way back to their food sources.
Bees can see ultraviolet light, but their color perception is different from humans. It is believed that they cannot see a pure shade of white, but they are able to perceive various shades and patterns.
Various types of erica plants, particularly common heather (Calluna vulgaris) and bell heather (Erica tetralix), are popular with bees because they provide abundant nectar and pollen.
When dealing with bees, it is important to be calm and careful to avoid stings. Avoid rapid movements and loud noises near bee hives.
Bees respond positively to soft, natural colors such as green and blue. These colors can calm her down and help not to worry her.
A strong bee colony can contain up to around 50,000 to 60,000 bees in the summer, depending on factors such as the bee breed, bee population and environmental conditions.
There are around 600 to 700 species of wild bees known in Switzerland, including some species of honey bees.
They can be treated with chemical treatments or natural methods.
There is one main species, the western honey bee (Apis mellifera), which occurs in Germany.
A community of honey bees is called a bee colony.
Fine, loose sand is best for wild bees.
There are estimated to be more than 560 species of wild bees in Germany.
There are over 600 species of wild bees known in Switzerland.
The length of the tubes for wild bees should be between 10 and 20 centimeters.
You can create habitats, provide nesting sites and encourage flowering plants.
There are more than 20,000 species of wild bees in the world.
There are over 20,000 different species of wild bees worldwide.
You can reduce pesticides, preserve and promote natural habitats, and provide nesting aids.
We can create gardens that are attractive to wild bees and work to protect their habitats.
The holes for wild bees should be around 10 to 15 centimeters deep.
The drill holes for wild bees should be around 10 to 15 centimeters deep.
The holes for wild bees should have a diameter of around 3 to 8 millimeters.
Honey bees are kept by humans and produce honey, while wild bees live in nature and have different habitats and nesting habits.
Without wild bees, pollination of many plant species would be severely affected, which could lead to a decline in food sources and a destabilized ecosystem balance.
Honey bee colonies can be treated by beekeepers to combat mite infestations and maintain the health of the colony.
In summer, up to 50,000 honey bees can live together in one hive.
Bees should be hibernated in the spring when temperatures rise and sufficient food is available.
Bees and bumblebees usually fly during the day, especially in warm and sunny weather.
Bees use sugar water as a substitute for natural nectar sources to meet their energy needs.
Bees carry water to cool their hive and to regulate the humidity.
In spring, bees collect pollen and nectar as the main food sources for the bee colony.
When bees shiver, they may be trying to warm up their muscles, especially in cooler environments.
Bees are sometimes attracted to salty substances that may be present in human urine.
Bees need flowering plants for nectar and pollen to feed themselves and provide for their hive.
Bee droppings can have different colors depending on the bee's diet and health, but it is usually yellowish to brown.
Bees are insects and belong to the order Hymenoptera.
Some vegetables, such as wheat and corn, are pollinated by wind and do not require pollination by bees.
Yes, lilacs produce nectar that can be collected by bees.
The cost of a bee exterminator can vary depending on the region and the type of problem.
The buzzing of bees is caused by the vibrations of their wings during flight.
We hear the buzzing of bees because the vibrations of their wings produce certain frequencies that are perceptible to our hearing.
Bees are mentioned in the German Civil Code (BGB) because of their importance for the pollination of plants and ecological diversity.
Depending on the region and weather conditions, different types of bees can be active, but usually honey bees and some species of wild bees.
It is possible for dead bees to be found in figs, especially if they were attracted to the fruit and become trapped inside.
No, bees' wings cannot regrow if they are damaged or lost.
A beekeeper is often referred to as a beekeeper.
There could be various reasons why bees don't fly, such as illness, bad weather or lack of food.
Bees can survive in low temperatures, but they prefer warmer temperatures above freezing.
Bees perceive flowers with their compound eyes and their sense of smell.
Bees go to flowers to collect nectar and pollen, which serves as food for them and their colony.
Bees communicate using a variety of signals, including dance, pheromones and touch. There are different types of dances that convey different information.
In July, bees continue to collect nectar and pollen and take care of the brood in the hive.
Bees can be captured using special traps or attractants, but it often requires experience and expertise to capture bees safely.
Bees in Germany face various threats, including pesticides, monocultures, diseases and parasites such as the Varroa mite.
Yes, bees are extremely important for pollinating plants and therefore for maintaining ecosystems and producing food.
We should protect bees to ensure pollination of plants, maintain ecological diversity and support food production.
Yes, nettles can be an important food source for bees as they are rich in pollen and nectar.
Bees enter the hive through the entrance hole, which is guarded by the workers.
Hydrangeas with open flowers rich in nectar and pollen are attractive to bees.
Bees have compound eyes that give them limited vision in the dark, but they also use other senses such as smell.
Bees have multiple senses, including sight, smell, taste, touch and sensing vibrations.
Bees are generally not picky, but some perennial species may be less attractive to bees due to their low nectar production.
Yes, flower honey is made by bees from the nectar of flowers.
Clematis flowers do not provide much nectar or pollen for bees and are therefore not particularly attractive to them.
Bees build hexagonal honeycombs because this shape allows for the most efficient use of available space and creates structures with minimal use of materials.
Yes, forget-me-nots are an excellent source of food for bees as they are rich in nectar and pollen.
Bees can live in a variety of habitats, including forests, gardens, parks, and even urban environments.
Yes, hussar buttons are a good source of food for bees as they are rich in nectar and bloom for a long time.
In spring, bees need food in the form of pollen and nectar as well as warm shelter to reproduce and strengthen their hive.
Various species of wild bees are protected because their populations are threatened due to habitat loss and other factors.
The bee species that are protected include the dark bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) and the red mason bee (Osmia bicornis).
Geraniums provide limited amounts of nectar and pollen, but are still a potential food source for bees.
Lactic acid is sometimes used to treat bees against Varroa mites. It can kill the mites without harming the bees.
Yes, lemon balm is a popular food source for bees as it is rich in nectar and pollen.
Oxalic acid is used to treat bees against Varroa mites. It kills the mites when introduced into the brood cells.
Bees can crawl into holes to protect themselves, find food, or explore a new nesting site.
Hornets can hunt and eat bees, but are also important predators of pests such as wasps and flies that can harass bees.
Avocados are pollinated primarily by bees, but also by other pollinators such as wild bees and bumblebees.
Yes, marigolds are a good source of food for bees as they are rich in nectar and pollen.
Some ground cover plants can be attractive to bees when they bloom and offer nectar.
In November, bees prepare for winter by insulating the hive, stockpiling and preparing for the cold winter.
In October, depending on the region and weather, bees can still find flowers that offer them food. They also collect pollen and nectar for the winter.
Bees usually stop flying when temperatures are too low or when it is too dark, for example at night.
Horned violets are a good source of food for bees because they are rich in nectar and pollen.
Jasmine flowers provide a good source of food for bees as they are rich in nectar.
Young bees are called larvae before they develop into adult bees.
Newly hatched bees are usually not yet able to fly and spend some time in the hive before developing their flying skills.
In the hive, bees live in a hierarchical society in which worker bees perform various tasks that serve to provide for the hive, while the queen is responsible for reproduction.
Bumblebees differ from bees in their size, body structure and life cycle. Bumblebees are often larger and hairier than honeybees and live in smaller colonies.
Bumblebees are not a direct threat to honeybees, although they may compete for similar food sources.
2 kg of bees would represent a different number of individuals depending on the type and size of the bee colony, but in a typical honey bee colony there could be several thousand bees.
Bees and bumblebees have no social relationship with each other, but they can coexist and visit the same flowers.
Bees are diurnal insects and have no special adaptations for flying in the dark.
Yes, petunias can be bee and insect friendly, especially if they have single flowers that are easier to access.
Bees are attracted to cherry laurel flowers because they are rich in nectar and pollen.
Cherry laurel is not poisonous to bees, but provides an important source of food for them.
Bees are usually not active when it is too cold or too dark, for example at night or in bad weather.
Bees typically fly out to forage early in the morning when the air temperature is comfortable and the flowers are fresh.
Bees are particularly active during daylight hours when temperatures are warm and most flowers are blooming.
Bees can see ultraviolet light and therefore have a different perception of colors than humans. They often see flowers differently than we do.
During the day, bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers, build and repair honeycombs, care for brood, and maintain the hive.
Bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers to make honey. They live in beehives and work together to care for and protect the hive.
Blackthorns provide an important source of food for bees, especially when they are in flower.
Yes, wild roses are a good source of food for bees as their flowers are rich in nectar and pollen.
Bees require food in the form of nectar and pollen, which they collect from flowers, to meet their energy needs and fuel their hive.
Foxglove flowers provide a potential food source for bees, but they are not particularly attractive to bees because they are difficult to access and produce little nectar.
Bees see the garden with their compound eyes, which can perceive different colors and shapes.
In February, depending on the climate and region, bees collect pollen and nectar from early bloomers such as snowdrops, winter aconites and crocuses.
Yes, bees can see UV light and use this for orientation and to perceive flowers.
Bees can see wavelengths in the ultraviolet range as well as in the blue, green and partially yellow spectrum.
Bees can see polarized light and use it to navigate and locate flowers.
Bees can see UV light as well as light in the blue, green and sometimes yellow regions of the spectrum.
Camellias can be a food source for bees, but their flowers generally produce little nectar and pollen.
Bees are particularly attracted to flowers in blue, purple, yellow and white.
Yes, bees can see ultraviolet light, which helps them identify and find flowers.
Yes, tomatoes can be pollinated by bees, but they are primarily self-pollinators and do not necessarily require pollinators for fruit production.
Bees can be fed sugar water or special bee food products, especially if they are suffering from a lack of food.
In a bee colony, worker bees collect nectar, pollen, water and propolis for the hive.
Bees may retreat to the hive during bad weather, during the cold winter months, or when they cannot find food sources.
The number of bees for a nuc can vary depending on the size and type of colony, but typically thousands of bees are needed for a successful nuc.
Jasmine flowers can be a food source for bees as they produce nectar that can be collected by the bees.
Columbine can be a potential food source for bees, but its flowers are not particularly attractive to bees compared to other types of flowers.
Bees use propolis to seal small openings in the hive to protect it from water, cold and pathogens.
Bees usually only sting when they feel threatened or when they need to defend their hive. Sometimes bees can also sting if they accidentally get trapped or feel harassed.
It is important not to disturb or threaten bees to avoid stings. Repellents such as essential oils or special sprays can be used to keep bees away, but they should be used with caution as bees are important pollinators.
Bluebells provide a good source of food for bees as their flowers are rich in nectar and pollen.
Catnip is a popular food source for bees because its flowers are rich in nectar and are often visited by bees.
In July, bees continue to collect nectar and pollen from a variety of flowers to fuel their hive and produce honey.
Bees are sometimes kept in schools to teach students about the importance of bees to pollination and the environment, as well as to provide insight into nature and ecological relationships.
The number of bees in a colony can vary depending on the season and the health of the colony, but typically there are thousands of bees in a strong colony.
Bees live all over the world in a variety of habitats, including forests, meadows, gardens and urban environments.
Lilies are not an ideal food source for bees because their flowers produce little nectar and can be difficult for bees to access.
There are no specific plants that can effectively keep bees away as they are important pollinators. However, some essential oils such as lemongrass or peppermint can help temporarily deter bees.
Bees can transmit various pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi that can infect other bees, as well as parasites such as the Varroa mite.
Feed dough is a mixture of sugar and other ingredients that serves as a food source for bees, especially during times when natural food is scarce.
Generally, bees are fed dough when natural food sources are scarce, such as in winter or in poor weather conditions.
Bees can be kept in various environments, including gardens, balconies or even urban areas, as long as local regulations are followed.
Yes, forest honey is collected and produced by bees from the nectar of flowers in forests.
Bees are protected because their populations are at risk from various threats such as habitat loss, pesticide use and disease, which can have far-reaching ecological impacts.
Yes, daisies are a good source of food for bees as their flowers are rich in nectar and pollen and are often visited by bees.
Bees can sting, but they usually don't bite. Its stinger is used for defense and can only be used once before the bee dies.
Gladioli do not provide a particularly rich food source for bees because their flowers produce little nectar and can be difficult for bees to access.
If you are attacked by bees, it is important to remain calm and slowly move away from the area where the bees are. Don't run wild or swat at them, as this can only make the bees more aggressive. Quickly seek shelter in an enclosed space or under a solid object such as a car.
Bees look for nectar and pollen in cherry laurel, as cherry laurel flowers are a potential food source for them.
Cherry laurel is not toxic to bees, but the flowers produce little nectar and pollen compared to other plants, making them less attractive to bees.
To winterize bees, beekeepers must ensure that bees have enough supplies of honey and pollen to survive the winter. They can also insulate the hive and protect it from wind and moisture.
Yes, bees can live in the shade, but they generally prefer sunny locations because they can regulate their body temperature more easily.
Bees can collect nectar and pollen within a radius of about 2-3 kilometers from their hive, although some colonies can fly further.
Lilies of the valley are not a good source of food for bees because their flowers produce little nectar and can be toxic to bees.
Drones, the male bees, generally live only a few weeks and die after mating with the queen.
The number of dead bees can vary depending on circumstances and conditions. In a normal, healthy bee colony, some bees may die every day while others hatch.
The number of bees that die depends on a variety of factors, including colony health, environmental conditions, and possible diseases or parasites.
There are various reasons why bees die, including disease, parasitic infestation, pesticide use, habitat loss and environmental pollution.
Bees are extremely important for pollinating plants, including many crops, and play a crucial role in food security and maintaining ecological diversity.
Cold construction refers to the overwintering method of bee colonies in which the bees store the honeycomb in the upper part of the hive while the lower part is used for brood.
Various types of plants attract bees, including lavender, sunflowers, clover, rosemary, thyme and many other flowers rich in nectar and pollen.
Bee sage is generally hardy and can overwinter outdoors, especially in temperate climates.
Yes, ornamental sage or salvia is a good source of food for bees as the flowers are rich in nectar and are often visited by bees.
Some species of wild bees, particularly mason bees such as the red mason bee (Osmia bicornis), use clay to build and seal their brood cells.
Iris flowers produce nectar and pollen and can be a potential food source for bees, although they are not as attractive to them as other flowers.
The cost of registering bees can vary depending on the country, region and local regulations. In some areas registration may be free, while in other areas fees may apply.
Responsibility for bees and their protection often lies with various organizations and authorities, including environmental protection organizations, beekeeping associations and state or local agricultural authorities.
Heather is a good source of food for bees, especially when it is in flower, as its flowers are rich in nectar and pollen.
Bees can live all year round, but their activity and life cycles vary depending on the season and climate. They are typically most active in spring, summer and fall.
Yes, red clover is an excellent source of food for bees as the flowers are rich in nectar and pollen and are often visited by bees.
Red clover is an excellent source of food for bees because the flowers are rich in nectar and pollen and are often visited by bees.
Various species of wild bees can settle in the roller shutter box, especially those that prefer hollow spaces for building nests, such as mason bees or carpenter bees.
Cornflowers can be a food source for bees, but they generally produce less nectar and pollen than other types of flowers.
Bees are best relocated when they are quiet, usually early in the morning or late in the evening when most of the bees are in the hive.
Bees can be fed in mild temperatures, ideally temperatures above 10°C, so that they can fly and reach the food.
Bees are sometimes sprayed with water to cool them in hot weather or to increase moisture levels in the hive.
Bees prefer water that is present in small drops or on moist surfaces because they can absorb it more easily.
Osteospermum, also known as cape bean, can be a potential food source for bees, although its flowers are not as rich in nectar and pollen as other plants.
Yes, bumblebees, like honey bees, belong to the Apidae family and are closely related to them.
To get started with bees, you should first research beekeeping thoroughly, possibly take classes, and then acquire the necessary equipment before purchasing or building colonies.
Bees live all over the world in a variety of habitats, from forests to meadows to urban environments.
Treating bees with oxalic acid usually takes place in winter, when the bees are brood-free and Varroa mite infestation is at its lowest.
Formic acid is used in beekeeping to control Varroa mites, but if used improperly it can be harmful to bees. Accurate dosage and application is important so as not to endanger the bees.
Bees are so hardworking because their primary job is to collect food for the hive, raise brood, and maintain the hive to ensure the survival of the colony.
Various species of wild bees, such as carpenter bees, can bore their nests in wood and settle in them.
Some species of wild bees, such as carpenter bees or mason bees, can nest in wood and create their brood cells there.
Bees that nest in wood create their brood cells there and provide them with food to raise their larvae and ensure the continued existence of the colony.
Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which contributes to the production of fruits, vegetables and nuts. In doing so, they contribute to food security and diversity in nature.
Bees lay their eggs in specially built cells within the hive called brood cells.
A children's book about bees can provide children with important information about bees, their role in nature and the importance of nature conservation in a playful way.
Bees do not remain rigid in winter, but form a winter cluster in the hive to warm each other and protect the queen.
Bees generally hum at a high pitch that is easily audible to the human ear.
Yes, especially in hot weather, it can be helpful to provide water to bees to quench their thirst.
Bees can sting if they feel threatened, but they are not typically aggressive toward humans unless provoked. With appropriate caution and respect, bees can be safe for children.
Roses with simple flowers and lots of nectar are particularly attractive to bees. These include many old varieties as well as wild roses.
Formic acid is used in beekeeping to combat Varroa mites. It works by directly killing or impairing the mites.
Bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers to gather food for their hive. In doing so, they pollinate the flowers, which contributes to the production of fruits and seeds.
Lavender is an excellent source of food for bees because the flowers are rich in nectar and are often visited by bees.
Bees can move into insect hotels at different times depending on the species and environment, but typically in spring or summer when they are looking for suitable nesting sites.
Daisies can be a food source for bees, but their flowers generally produce less nectar and pollen than other plants.
Yes, cowslips are a good source of food for bees as the flowers are rich in nectar and are often visited by bees.
Wallflower is a potential food source for bees, although the flowers produce less nectar and pollen than other plants.
Knotweed can be a food source for bees, but some species are invasive and can cause ecological problems.
Nucs are usually made in spring or early summer when the bee colony is strong and there are enough resources to start a new hive.
The bee larvae are initially tiny, but grow quickly and can reach different sizes depending on the species and stage of development.
Bees make forest honey by collecting the nectar from various plants growing in forest areas. The nectar is then carried into the hive, stored and processed there.
Yes, forest honey is produced by bees who collect the nectar from flowers in forest areas and use it to make honey.
Bees can be fed a sugar syrup solution made from water and sugar in a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. This solution can be placed in special feeders or shallow containers in the garden.
Bees can fly from spring to fall, typically March to October, depending on the climate and region.
Bees prefer to live in well-ventilated, dry and sunny environments with abundant food sources nearby, such as gardens, meadows or flowering landscapes.
Bees sometimes sit on each other to generate heat or to work together, such as when swarming or forming a winter cluster.
Bamboo can be a potential food source for bees, but it is important to pay attention to the flowers of bamboo as not all varieties bloom and produce nectar.
Bees are attracted to various scents, particularly sweet, floral, or fruity scents that indicate sources of nectar.
Bees can be attracted to the garden by planting bee-friendly flowers and plants rich in nectar and pollen, as well as by providing water and shelter.
Bees are attracted to sweet, floral, or fruity smells that indicate nectar and pollen, such as the scent of lavender, rosemary, or lilac.
Bees can be attracted by planting bee-friendly flowers and plants, providing water sources, and avoiding pesticides in the garden.
Bees have relatively good vision and can recognize colors and patterns, but their vision is limited and only extends a few meters.
Bees are attracted to a variety of flower colors, especially bright colors such as yellow, blue, purple and white.
Essential oils such as clove oil, cinnamon oil, or eucalyptus oil can help deter bees, but they should be used with caution as they can also affect other insects and animals.
Triclopyr is a herbicide that can be potentially harmful to bees, especially when used on flowering plants visited by bees.
Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants and are therefore essential for food security and the maintenance of ecosystems.
There are many species of bees, some of which are threatened, particularly due to habitat loss, pesticide use, disease and climate change.
Bees have a heart, which is part of their circulatory system and supplies them with blood and nutrients.
Bees may emerge at different times during the spring depending on the species and region, usually starting in March or April.
Bees can be attracted to many different trees, but some trees produce little or no nectar and pollen and are therefore less attractive to bees.
White clover is an excellent source of food for bees because the flowers are rich in nectar and pollen and are often visited by bees.
Broom can be a potential food source for bees, although the flowers produce less nectar and pollen than other plants.
Allethrin is an insecticide that can be potentially harmful to bees when used in their environment. It is important to use such chemicals with caution to avoid endangering bees and other pollinators.
Bees can become drunk when consuming fermented nectar from overripe fruit or fermentation products such as beer. This can affect their ability to fly and lead to unusual behavior.
Milkweed plants produce a milky sap that can be toxic to bees. Therefore, they are not usually a suitable food source for bees.
Zander is a term in beekeeping that refers to a specific hive size or hive system developed by Johann Zander. It is a standard hive used by many beekeepers.
Bananas are not pollinated primarily by bees, but primarily by flying foxes and other animals. However, in some areas bees may play a role in pollination.
Male bees, also known as drones, have the main task of mating the queen. They do not contribute to the work in the hive and are usually driven out of the hive in winter.
Male bees, called drones, are larger and wider than female worker bees and have striking, large compound eyes and no stinger.
Bees need a suitable nesting site that is dry, protected and well ventilated. This could be, for example, a beehive, a tree hole or a suitable insect hotel.
Bees require materials such as pollen, nectar, resin, wax and building materials such as leaves, mud or clay to build their nests and honeycombs.
The number of bees in a hive can vary depending on the season, hive size and breed, but there can be thousands to tens of thousands of bees in one box.
Bees are attracted to a variety of flowering trees, including fruit trees such as apple and cherry trees, lime trees, acacias and locust trees.
Bees do not have a specific orientation when they fly, but rather rely on visual and olfactory cues to find food and find their way back to the hive.
Bees can usually fly in early in the spring when temperatures rise and the first flowers begin to bloom.
Bees can be relocated during bee season depending on needs and circumstances, but typically in spring or early summer.
Bees form a winter cluster to keep each other warm and protect the queen when temperatures drop.
Bees produce honey, wax, royal jelly, propolis and bee bread, all of which are important products for the hive and beekeeping.
Buddleia is an excellent source of food for bees because the flowers are rich in nectar and are often visited by bees.
In the event of a bee sting, the stinger should be carefully removed, the sting site cleaned and cooled, and an antihistamine or anti-inflammatory ointment may be applied if necessary.
When bees sting, they inject venom into the skin, which can cause pain, swelling and allergic reactions in some people.
Bees usually do not attack without reason, but only sting when they feel threatened or need to defend their hive.
Bees visit a variety of flowers including lavender, bluebells, sunflowers, clover, thyme, sage, mallows, asters and many others that are rich in nectar and pollen.
The best way to feed bees is with a sugar syrup solution made from water and sugar in a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. This solution can be placed in feeders in the hive.
As a rule, bears are afraid of bees because they can be stung by bees. Bees can harass bears with their stings, causing them to retreat.
In March, bees collect nectar and pollen from the first spring flowers that begin to bloom, as well as early fruit trees such as apple and cherry trees.
Bees typically swarm in spring or early summer when the hive is crowded and a new queen is maturing. Swarms are used to divide the hive and create a new colony.
Bees are attracted to a variety of flowering trees, including fruit trees such as apple, pear, cherry and peach trees, as well as linden trees, acacia and black locust.
Yes, cherry trees are pollinated by bees, and pollination by bees is critical to successful fruit production for many fruits, including cherries.
Bees can be fed a sugar syrup solution made from water and sugar in a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. This solution can be placed in feeders in the hive.
Bees have transparent, membrane-like wings that are capable of moving very quickly and providing powerful flight.
Bees are sensitive to ultraviolet light and are not attracted to certain types of light, such as UV light sources.
The best way to feed bees is with a sugar syrup solution made from water and sugar in a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. This solution can be placed in special feeders in the hive.
Although geraniums produce flowers that can be attractive to bees, they are not necessarily the best source of food because their flowers produce less nectar and pollen than other plants.
Bees can no longer fly after sunset because the darkness and lower temperatures cause them to stop their flight activities and return to the hive.
Cellaring is a behavior in which bees stay in the hive instead of flying outside, especially in cooler or rainy weather.
A "bee spider" is not a specific species, but can refer to species of spiders that reside near beehives and occasionally catch bees or other insects.
Bees see the garden through their compound eyes and probably primarily notice the flower colors and patterns that indicate food sources.
Bees pollinate plants by carrying pollen from one flower to another, resulting in fertilization and production of fruits, seeds, and new plants. This pollination is crucial for the reproduction of many plant species.
Bees are typically most active during daylight hours, especially in warm and sunny weather, when most flowers bloom and produce nectar.
Bees can benefit from many flowering vegetable plants, including tomatoes, zucchini, squash, peppers, cucumbers, melons, beans and peas.
Some vegetable crops, such as corn, grains and some root vegetables, are pollinated by wind and therefore do not require pollination by bees.
Bees carry pollen from one flower to another while collecting nectar. In doing so, they pollinate the flowers and enable fertilization and the production of seeds and fruits.
Bees can nest in natural or artificial holes to build their nests and reproduce.
Bees hatch in holes because they find a protected space to raise their larvae and develop.
Balcony flowers that produce little or no nectar or whose flowers are difficult for bees to access may be less preferred by bees.
Various species of wild bees, such as mason bees and silk bees, can nest in natural or artificial holes.
Bees can nest in insect hotels if they find suitable nesting conditions, such as holes or tubes that they can use as brood chambers.
Some species of bees are threatened, particularly due to habitat loss, pesticide use, disease and climate change.
Some plant species are not pollinated by bees, but by other insects, wind, or self-pollination.
Bees are not completely extinct in China, but as in other parts of the world, some species of bees are threatened there.
Bees have special visual cells that can detect ultraviolet light. This ability helps them navigate and search for food in flowers.
Bees can nest in insect hotels using suitable nesting materials such as wooden tubes or cavities to raise their larvae and reproduce.
Various species of wild bees as well as domesticated honey bees live in Germany.
Some ground cover plants may produce little or no nectar and are therefore less preferred by bees.
Hornets can hunt bees and use them as food for their own larvae.
Hornets can be dangerous to individual bees because they can hunt and eat them, but they do not pose a major threat to an entire colony.
Bees have relatively good vision and can recognize colors and patterns, but their vision is limited and only extends a few meters.
Humans could survive without bees, but the ecosystem and agriculture would be severely affected, as bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants.
Yes, people could theoretically live without bees, but the ecosystem and agriculture would suffer significantly, as many plant species rely on pollination by bees.
Without bees, many plants would not be pollinated, leading to a decline in plant diversity and a collapse of many ecosystems that rely on pollination.
The bee Pokémon is called "Wadribie" or "Wablu" in the Pokémon world.
Brooding in bees refers to the larval stages of bees, i.e. the eggs, larvae and pupae that develop in the hive before they grow into adult bees.
Bees typically sleep in the hive, often near the brood. They snuggle up close together and remain quiet and motionless throughout the night.
Blue bees do not exist in nature. Most bees are brown or black, although some species may have bluish reflections on their bodies.
Some trees, such as wind pollination, do not require pollination by bees. These include trees such as pines, spruces and cypresses.
Bees can use the sand as nesting material, particularly some species of solitary bees that lay their brood in sand nests.
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component of cannabis, can affect bees in a similar way to other insects. However, the effects on bees have not been fully researched.
Bees can cool themselves by collecting water and using evaporative cooling. You can also use ventilation techniques in the hive to regulate the temperature.
Bees can die for a variety of reasons, including disease, parasite infestation, pesticide use, lack of food, and environmental factors such as extreme temperatures or weather conditions.
Forsythia produces little or no nectar, making them less attractive to bees. Bees prefer plants with abundant nectar and pollen.
Bees have two large compound eyes on their heads, antennae and proboscis, which they use to collect food and perceive their surroundings.
Some species of solitary bees, such as sand bees (genus Andrena), nest in sand and deposit their brood in small tunnels or holes.
Bees typically fly within a few kilometers of their hive in search of food.
The maximum flight range of bees can be several kilometers, although most species typically stay within a few hundred meters of their hive.
Maple trees, particularly sugar maple (Acer saccharum), are an excellent food source for bees because their flowers are rich in nectar.
Bees do not produce basil, but they do pollinate basil flowers, resulting in the production of basil seeds that can be consumed by humans.
Bees should be fed when they cannot find enough natural food, especially during dry periods or early spring when flower buds have not yet opened.
Tomatoes can grow without bees because they can be pollinated by both wind and vibration. However, bees can make pollination of tomato flowers more efficient.
Bees may need treatment if they are affected by parasites such as Varroa mites or if they are suffering from disease. Treatment should be carried out carefully and with consideration for the health of the bee colony.
An animal colony in bees refers to the entire organizational network of a bee colony, consisting of a queen, workers and drones as well as the hive and its structures.
Bees like a variety of flowering plants in the garden, including lavender, bluebells, sunflowers, clover, thyme, sage, mallows, asters and many others that are rich in nectar and pollen.
Bees communicate with each other through dance, smells and vibrations, but they do not understand human language in the strict sense, so it is not possible to speak to them directly.
The “Bee Ark” is not a real structure or facility. Bees are naturally found in beehives, tree hollows, beehives or artificial bee houses.
A bee hotel provides additional habitat for solitary bees and other pollinator insects, especially in urban areas where natural nesting sites are scarce.
Beekeepers play an important role in protecting and maintaining bee populations by protecting them from diseases, parasites and other threats. Well-trained and responsible beekeepers are therefore not bad for bees.
Smoke disturbs bees by causing them to prepare to leave the hive, making it easier for beekeepers to open the hive without being stung. It also triggers the bees' feeding response, making them less aggressive.
Bees can be transported safely in special bee boxes or boxes designed to protect the bees during transport and ensure adequate ventilation.
Yes, ragwort is dangerous to bees because it is poisonous and can cause health problems or even death if consumed by bees.
The bee kwami in the animated series "Miraculous - Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir" is called Pollen.
The Bee Miraculous is worn by the character Alya Césaire in the series "Miraculous - Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir" when she transforms into the superheroine Rena Rouge.
The Bee Miraculous is worn by the character Alya Césaire in the series "Miraculous - Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir" when she transforms into the superheroine Rena Rouge.
Various species of solitary bees, such as mason bees, leaf cutter bees and silk bees, as well as other pollinator insects such as digger wasps, parasitic wasps and ladybirds can live in the insect hotel.
Corn poppies can be a good food source for bees because their flowers are rich in nectar and are visited by bees.
Bees can become aggressive when they feel threatened or when their hive is disturbed, especially during breeding season or when they are near food sources.
Yes, bees can be fed a sugar water solution, especially if they cannot find enough natural food.
Nectar is a sugary liquid produced by flowers and is an important food source for bees.
Calcified brood in bees results from an infection of bee larvae with a fungus called Ascosphaera apis, which attacks the larvae and causes them to calcify, causing them to die.
Yes, linden trees are excellent sources of food for bees as their flowers are rich in nectar and pollen. Linden trees are often referred to as “bee pastures” because they attract numerous bees.
In everyday life, bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers, bring them back to the hive, care for the brood, build honeycombs, look after the queen and communicate with each other.
Ice begonias produce little or no nectar and are therefore less preferred by bees. They may not be the best food source for bees.
Bees need a variety of flowers to get a balanced diet. There is no specific number of flowers as it depends on various factors such as type of flowers, availability of food and number of bees in the hive.
A partition is a partition in the hive that serves to limit the space in the hive and regulate the temperature and humidity. It can also be used to reduce the area that bees need to heat during the winter.
Bees are typically treated with lactic acid to control varroa mites in late summer or fall, as this is a time when the hive is less active and lactic acid treatment is less disruptive to the bees.
Almond trees produce abundant nectar and are therefore a good source of food for bees. The flowers of almond trees are popular with bees.
No, bee drones cannot sting because they have no stingers. Drones have no defensive functions and are mainly used to mate with the queen.
Bees overwinter in the hive by gathering into a winter cluster to generate heat. They feed on the supplies in the hive and keep the queen warm.
Yes, beans are pollinated by bees. Pollination of bean flowers is important for successful fruiting.
Some balcony plants that produce little or no nectar are less preferred by bees. These often include ornamental plants that are attractive to humans but less nutritious to bees.
Smoke has a calming effect on bees by impairing their natural defense response and disrupting communication within the hive. This makes the bees calmer and less aggressive.
The price of feed dough for bees may vary depending on the manufacturer, quality and quantity. As a rule, however, the cost of feed dough is in the range of a few euros per kilogram.
Bee and wasp stings differ in their effects and the way in which they occur. Bee stings are usually less painful but can cause allergic reactions, while wasp stings are more painful but usually do not cause allergic reactions.
Hyacinths produce nectar and are visited by bees, although they are not necessarily the preferred food source for bees as there are other plants that produce nectar more abundantly.
Bees primarily look for flowers rich in nectar and pollen as these are their main source of food. They also prefer flowers with striking colors and strong fragrance.
True bees are insects with a striped body, a three-part body structure (head, thorax, abdomen), wings and six legs. Their body coloration varies depending on the species, but can often be yellowish to dark brown.
Privet is an important food source for bees because its flowers are rich in nectar. Bees are attracted to the fragrant flowers of privet and collect nectar and pollen.
Beekeepers play an important role in protecting and maintaining bee populations by caring for bees, protecting them from diseases and parasites and providing them with suitable living conditions.
Bees are often attracted to the fragrant flowers of cherry laurel as they are rich in nectar and pollen and are an important source of food for them.
Buttercup is not an ideal food source for bees as some species of this plant can be poisonous and are therefore avoided by bees.
The sensation of a sting depends on the individual reaction of the person being stung. However, bee stings generally tend to have a sharper pain, while wasp stings can often cause longer-lasting pain and swelling.
Buttercups, also known as ranunculus, are an excellent source of food for bees because their flowers are rich in nectar and are often visited by bees.
Bees live in various habitats in Germany, including forests, gardens, parks, agricultural areas and even urban areas. They build their nests in tree hollows, in beehives or in self-made honeycombs.
Beekeepers can treat bees with formic acid to combat Varroa mites. The acid is placed in special evaporators in the beehive, where it evaporates and kills the mites.
Bees can kill a hornet in a mass attack, overwhelming it with their stings and venom. The stung area is bombarded by the bees with multiple stings until the hornet is defeated.
Yes, hornets can pose a threat to bees as they can attack them and use them as food for their own larvae. However, strong bee colonies can often repel a hornet.
To attract bees, you can provide appropriate nesting sites such as bee hotels or nest boxes, grow a diverse selection of bee-friendly plants, and avoid chemical pesticides.
Yes, bees have a central nervous system, which consists of a brain and a nerve cord. This nervous system allows them to process information, learn, and perform complex behaviors.
Wasp traps can also attract bees and trap them, which can lead to their death. Therefore, wasp traps should be set up so that bees are not caught.
Bees fly from spring to fall, typically March to October, depending on weather conditions and food availability. Exact flight times may vary depending on the region.
Yes, lobelias produce nectar and are therefore a good source of food for bees. Lobelia flowers are visited and pollinated by bees.
Bees use feed dough as an additional source of food, especially when natural food sources are scarce. They ingest the feed dough and use it to feed the brood and maintain activity in the hive.
Bees need wax, which they produce from their wax glands, to build honeycomb. They use these honeycombs for raising brood, storing food, and organizing the hive.
When infested with mites, bees can try to remove the mites by picking them off or by grooming, a type of cleaning behavior. Beekeepers can also use various methods to control Varroa mites.
Bees and bumblebees prefer flowers with plenty of nectar and pollen. They are attracted to a variety of plants including fruit trees, herbs, wildflowers and many garden flowers.
Bees are found on all continents except Antarctica. They live in a variety of habitats, from forests to meadows to urban areas.
Beekeepers often confine the hive in late fall to limit the colony to a smaller space, thereby better retaining heat and helping the bees overwinter.
Yes, in winter or when food is scarce, beekeepers can feed their bees sugar water as a substitute for nectar to keep them nourished.
Bee species can be distinguished based on various characteristics such as size, color, flight behavior and body structure. The features of the legs and the hair can also help with the distinction.
Bees generally avoid strong, pungent smells such as citrus scents or the smell of chemicals. Bees also avoid foul or rancid smells.
In March, bees begin to find the first flowers, including crocuses, snowdrops and pussy willows, which are rich in nectar and pollen.
Some types of fruit, such as strawberries, tomatoes and peppers, are so-called self-pollinators and do not require pollination by bees because their flowers can pollinate themselves.
Bees don't usually stay in the basement voluntarily. If they accidentally get there, they will try to get back out into the open as quickly as possible.
No, maple syrup is not made by bees. It is extracted from the sap of maple trees and boiled to make syrup.
Bees create play bowls to produce royal jelly for raising queen larvae.
In the fall, bees continue to collect nectar and pollen from the remaining flowers to replenish their supplies for the winter.
The best time to control bees is usually in the spring or fall when the weather is mild and bees are less active.
In October, bees collect the last reserves of food from late flowers and prepare for winter by collecting pollen and nectar for the hive.
Depending on the species, large bees can be referred to as queens or workers. The queen is usually larger than the workers and is used for reproduction in the hive.
In October, bees prepare for winter by collecting food and insulating the hive. They reduce their activities and prepare for the winter grapes.
Fuchsias produce nectar and are therefore a potential food source for bees. However, nectar production varies depending on the fuchsia species.
Mint produces nectar and is therefore a potential food source for bees. Mint flowers are visited and pollinated by bees.
Bees originally come from Africa, but over the course of evolution they have spread worldwide and can be found in different habitats.
In autumn, bees need enough food to replenish their supplies for the winter, as well as protection from cold and damp in the hive.
The size of black bees can vary depending on the species. The queen is usually larger than the workers and drones.
Bees can become aggressive due to a variety of factors, including disturbance to the hive, vibration, strong odors, heat, and lack of food.
Bees use propolis, a resinous substance, to seal cracks and crevices in the hive, ward off disease and disinfect the interior of the hive.
Mustard is a bee-friendly plant because it is rich in nectar and pollen and is therefore often visited by bees.
Verbena, also known as verbena, produces nectar and is therefore a potential food source for bees. The flowers are visited and pollinated by bees.
Many flowers attract bees, including lavender, sunflowers, clover, thyme, sage and bluebells.
Daffodils are not a preferred food source for bees because they produce little nectar and are often preferred by other flowers that provide more plentiful nectar.
Primroses produce nectar and are therefore a potential food source for bees. The flowers are visited and pollinated by bees.
Pansies are not a preferred food source for bees because their flowers produce little nectar and are preferred by other more bee-friendly plants.
DNM stands for “German Normal Mass” and refers to a specific system of measurements for bee boxes and hives that is used in Germany.
Various species of wild bees, such as mason bees, masked bees and leafcutter bees, use bee hotels as a nesting place for their brood.
Lavender is a popular food source for bees because the flowers are rich in nectar. It is therefore not recommended to use lavender as a remedy against bees.
You can offer water to bees by placing shallow containers of water in the garden or near the hive. Bees take in the water to quench their thirst and cool the hive.
Bees can nest in various cavities, including tree hollows, cracks in walls, bee boxes, bee hotels and even empty snail shells.
Certain species of wild bees, such as the horned mason bee, can nest in empty snail shells to protect their brood.
Certain species of wild bees can nest in empty snail shells.
Bees sometimes cut leaves to collect material for nest building. They use the leaf material to line and seal their brood cells.
Bees sleep mainly at night when it is dark and temperatures are lower. During the day they are usually active and gathering food.
Bees usually start collecting early in the morning as soon as it gets light and temperatures rise. They collect nectar and pollen from flowers to replenish their supplies in the hive.
Bees can tolerate heat well as long as they have enough water to cool themselves and the hive is well ventilated. However, in extreme temperatures they can suffer and die.
The size of worker bees varies depending on the species and age. On average they are around 12 to 15 millimeters long.
There are no specific plants that deter bees. However, bees generally avoid plants with strong smells or toxic substances.
Yes, you can give bees water by placing shallow containers of water in the garden or near the hive. Bees take in the water to quench their thirst and cool the hive.
Vinegar can be harmful to bees if they come into direct contact with it or if it is sprayed in large quantities in their environment. Vinegar fumes can irritate bees' respiratory tract and affect their orientation.
Bees can react to vinegar in different ways. Some may avoid it because the smell is unpleasant to them, while others may not react strongly to it. However, vinegar should not be used as a bee deterrent as it can irritate them and endanger bee populations.
Bees often avoid strong, pungent smells such as citrus scents, ammonia or vinegar. These smells can irritate them and cause them to avoid an area.
Bees begin flying in spring depending on weather conditions and food availability, usually when temperatures are above 10°C and the first flowers bloom.
Rapeseed is an important food source for bees because it is rich in nectar and produces large amounts of pollen. Bees can collect large amounts of nectar and pollen during the rapeseed flowering period.
Bees collect nectar with their proboscis, also known as “proboscis”. They suck up the nectar from the flowers with their proboscis and then store it in their crop to transport it back to the hive.
Brood in bees refers to the eggs, larvae and pupae in the hive. These are the developing offspring of the queen bee.
Speedwell is a bee-friendly plant as it produces nectar and is visited by bees. Speedwell flowers are a food source for bees.
Clover is an excellent source of food for bees because it is rich in nectar and pollen. Clover flowers are often visited and pollinated by bees.
Keeping bees requires expertise and a certain amount of work and dedication, but can be rewarding for people with an interest in beekeeping and beekeeping. There are many resources and courses that can help aspiring beekeepers learn the necessary skills.